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I'mma come in again.

So, about four weeks ago, I made the mistake of saying something along the lines of, "i'd do you anyday." To a girl. Word spread and now I'm classified as "That bi girl. Ew." And, in the changing rooms, everyone says, "DON'T LET NICOLA SEE YOU CHANGE. SHE'LL POUNCE ON YOU." Seriously? Straight people don't jump on people of the opposite sex, randomly. Why should I? Not like I'd go near anyone there anyway. >_>

But we were watching a movie in class, last week, and some guys took their t-shirts off. Hannah said, "THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. Right girls?" Leah replied, "No, Nicola's waiting for the girls to take theirs off." :|

And then, my friend, Victoria, was all, "LOL." At a photo of two guys kissing, which was on the wall in school. Then she turned to me and said, "Can you imagine kissing a girl? I mean, who'd do that? It's disgusting." I wanted to punch her in the face but I didn't.

> :D ...I'm [SIZE=30pt]ASEXUAL![/SIZE]


Yay baby! ♥


[SIZE=7pt]Joking aside I'm actually heterosexual. ]:...[/SIZE]

<.< And a little Bi-curious at times...Makes me angry.

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I'mma come in again.
So, about four weeks ago, I made the mistake of saying something along the lines of, "i'd do you anyday." To a girl. Word spread and now I'm classified as "That bi girl. Ew." And, in the changing rooms, everyone says, "DON'T LET NICOLA SEE YOU CHANGE. SHE'LL POUNCE ON YOU." Seriously? Straight people don't jump on people of the opposite sex, randomly. Why should I? Not like I'd go near anyone there anyway. >_>

But we were watching a movie in class, last week, and some guys took their t-shirts off. Hannah said, "THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. Right girls?" Leah replied, "No, Nicola's waiting for the girls to take theirs off." :|

And then, my friend, Victoria, was all, "LOL." At a photo of two guys kissing, which was on the wall in school. Then she turned to me and said, "Can you imagine kissing a girl? I mean, who'd do that? It's disgusting." I wanted to punch her in the face but I didn't.
Wow, that really sucks. Those people sound really ignorant. :)


All though lately, I'm more into girls for some reason. I doubt I'll ever turn lesbian though... =]

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I very rarely get attracted to guys. When I was a teen every other girl was obsessing over boys, I had maybe two guy crushes in middle school. In high school I had none. I don't really feel attracted to either gender to often. I can sometimes picture being with my same gender but its not like I ever have been. I guess I'm just strange?

Sorry but I find it funny a lot of people claim themselves to be 'Bisexual' when they really aren't, not everyone, but most people. That kind of stuff annoys me because I ask them, "Would you do *such and such* to another boy/girl?" then they shut up. I mean not all relationships are all about sex, but you can see where I'm getting at I hope.

Plus the people who claim they are 'Bi' are just going through a stage. [Well, a good portion of teens, that is.]

Not trying to start anything here, but this is going off what I've seen/heard about.

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Heterosexual. But I don't have anything against gays, lesbians, and bi's. Actually, I stand up for Gay Marriage. I dislike when people are like "EW! A gay guy! TOTALLY gross!" or "I hate katy perry now becuz she made a lesbian song!" It makes me so mad! :furawatchi:
^Exactly what I was thinking. You've petty much said what I was about to say. Despite living in an area where most people seem to be homophobic, I don't care about people's preferences, even if I am straight. In fact, I want to donate money to charities like Stonewall, but it's difficult since I'm not sure if my parents would let me donate money over the internet... :angry:

Tama :mellow: Phantom

Sorry but I find it funny a lot of people claim themselves to be 'Bisexual' when they really aren't, not everyone, but most people. That kind of stuff annoys me because I ask them, "Would you do *such and such* to another boy/girl?" then they shut up. I mean not all relationships are all about sex, but you can see where I'm getting at I hope.
Plus the people who claim they are 'Bi' are just going through a stage. [Well, a good portion of teens, that is.]

Not trying to start anything here, but this is going off what I've seen/heard about.
Heh. I know what you mean.

Most of the "bi" girls here are only bi when a guy is around to watch.

I'mma come in again.
So, about four weeks ago, I made the mistake of saying something along the lines of, "i'd do you anyday." To a girl. Word spread and now I'm classified as "That bi girl. Ew." And, in the changing rooms, everyone says, "DON'T LET NICOLA SEE YOU CHANGE. SHE'LL POUNCE ON YOU." Seriously? Straight people don't jump on people of the opposite sex, randomly. Why should I? Not like I'd go near anyone there anyway. >_>

But we were watching a movie in class, last week, and some guys took their t-shirts off. Hannah said, "THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. Right girls?" Leah replied, "No, Nicola's waiting for the girls to take theirs off." :|

And then, my friend, Victoria, was all, "LOL." At a photo of two guys kissing, which was on the wall in school. Then she turned to me and said, "Can you imagine kissing a girl? I mean, who'd do that? It's disgusting." I wanted to punch her in the face but I didn't.
I know your pain. The people (paticurly boys and popular girls) in my class are as ignorant as three year olds most of the time. And once they get started on something, they.don't.freaking.stop.

Anyway, I might have already posted but what the heck, I'll post again. Well so far I've had two proper crushes and both of them were boys so so far I think I'm heterosexual. You can't really tell at my age though. I don't have anything against bi-sexuals/homosexuals. I used to go all, "THAT'S SOOO GAY!!" but I've stopped that crap now.

EDIT: To be honest, I don't think those crushes were even crushes. I mean I pictured myself with them, I told my friends and eventually them I had a crush on them but now I'm thinking about it, really I didn't. Because when they said they weren't interested, I wasn't heartbroken or anything. I was just all "Neh."

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I'mma come in again.
So, about four weeks ago, I made the mistake of saying something along the lines of, "i'd do you anyday." To a girl. Word spread and now I'm classified as "That bi girl. Ew." And, in the changing rooms, everyone says, "DON'T LET NICOLA SEE YOU CHANGE. SHE'LL POUNCE ON YOU." Seriously? Straight people don't jump on people of the opposite sex, randomly. Why should I? Not like I'd go near anyone there anyway. >_>

But we were watching a movie in class, last week, and some guys took their t-shirts off. Hannah said, "THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. Right girls?" Leah replied, "No, Nicola's waiting for the girls to take theirs off." :|

And then, my friend, Victoria, was all, "LOL." At a photo of two guys kissing, which was on the wall in school. Then she turned to me and said, "Can you imagine kissing a girl? I mean, who'd do that? It's disgusting." I wanted to punch her in the face but I didn't.
Those girls are ignorant fools.

Want me to set them on fire? :3

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