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I'm gay, and I've been out for about five years now. Coming out in seventh grade was difficult, yet rewarding. As the first of my peers to say anything about the subject, I was able to help others in their own coming out processes. I made a lot of friends that way :) I live in a very supportive community, and even though my mother still wishes I were straight, I can't change it, and I'm glad my friends understand that.

My mother's opposition has made dating difficult as well. I have had boyfriends in the past, but she's never known. I don't have much of a problem with this now, but I'd really like her to be a part of my life in the future, and for her to be happy that I have someone to love. While I realize she wants the best for me, I'm not sure whether it's a double standard that she supports same-sex marriage rights, but doesn't support her own son's homosexuality.

Yeah, love is confusing.
That's great that you were able to come out about how you feel.

Being open is the best way. Don't keep things bottled up.

Though I'm not gay so I wouldn't exactly know how it feels...

I'm gay, and I've been out for about five years now. Coming out in seventh grade was difficult, yet rewarding. As the first of my peers to say anything about the subject, I was able to help others in their own coming out processes. I made a lot of friends that way :) I live in a very supportive community, and even though my mother still wishes I were straight, I can't change it, and I'm glad my friends understand that.

My mother's opposition has made dating difficult as well. I have had boyfriends in the past, but she's never known. I don't have much of a problem with this now, but I'd really like her to be a part of my life in the future, and for her to be happy that I have someone to love. While I realize she wants the best for me, I'm not sure whether it's a double standard that she supports same-sex marriage rights, but doesn't support her own son's homosexuality.

Yeah, love is confusing.
Maybe your mother wishes you were straight for a lot more reasons than "intolerance" or prejudice.

She knows that being gay will present you with more problems to deal with in life than if you were straight; and it's not about whether that's "fair" or "right" that you will have more problems - it's just being realistic about our society today, it's beliefs and prejudices.

Perhaps it's not difficult to acknowledge that a same-sex marriage is something acceptable and right within her own beliefs and moral standards. It's an objective opinion.

But it is also difficult to face your own prejudices and then overcome them when you are so emotionally close to a situation. Having an objective opinion about a homosexual son is impossible :)

Maybe she just needs more time. If you have had a good relationship with her then it seems likely that you two will be part of each others' life in the future. Finding compromises over things that are very important to you are never easy :)

I'm as straight as a pencil :)

But, I don't like anyone at the moment ;D

And I don't get why people bully... 'non-straight people'

It's stupid ):<

Still Asexual.

Haha, my only love is Emma Watson.

I'm straight, but I don't have any problem with gay or lesbians. I used to though. -_- (Don't ask)

I used to be such a cold hearted person towards gay/lesbians because I was a Christian. Most Christians are jerks. (No offence) But I'm open hearted to gay/lesbians now and even support gay rights. :D

Im straight but i had a crush on some girls when i was in grade 5 and im a girl.

i dont anymore because some girls at my school are mean :angry:

Bisexual. I'd rather have a girlfriend, and have sex with a man, though.

I like boys, so, I think because I'm a girl, that it means I am heterosexual. But I have absolutely no problem with people that are homosexual.

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Im straight but I have no problems with gay marriage and bisexuals because I believe there are no limits to love

it really makes me sad that this one teacher at my school takes her class time to teach kids that gay marriage and bisexuality is wrong

why would she teach 10-12 year old kids this is something i would never understand

I used to say I was bisexual because I've been attracted to boys and girls, but I've recently realised I'm pansexual, rather.

Honestly, I'm not sure now.

I know I'm part straight though, so it's either straight or bi.

I am pretty sure that I am straight....

I have just never been able to really have 'feeling' for another girl or be able to picture myself with one.

I have no problems with any sexual orientation. I believe that people who have said things (like a few previously made comments) about it being wrong are just simply close minded and they will quite frankly get no where in life with that sort of attitude. But thats just my opinion.

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