When Did You Stop Believing In Santa Claus, Etc?


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I never stopped believing. I dont believe in the easter bunny or the tooth fairy but I believe in Santa. My dad even told me one time that the Easter bunny does not exist but Santa does. I am going to believe him on that. I knew that the tooth fairy did not exist 3 years ago when I found my tooth under my bed. And I did not believe in the easter bunny anymore two years ago when my dad told me. But I still believe in Santa.

I'm Jewish and my parents still put candy in our stockings. {[yes we did have stockings]} :)

I never believed.

If you think about it, it's creepy. Having some creepy fat man with a beard come down your chimney with reindeers on the roof and sneak presents into your house. o_o

No, I take back my last post. I think I stopped believing around the age of 6. I never believed in the toothfairy or the easter rabbit.

I really never got much stuff, for that type of thing....I kept my teeth in a jar, anyways. When I did put it under my pillow when I was little, I never got anything but a tooth in my shirt the next day.

and then, for santa, I can tell my moms handwriting from 'Santa's'

and the easter bunny, never got me things so I never believed in her.

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