When Do You...


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I know what you mean after ANTM, I feel great after. I go around the house and pose. xD It also gives me good ideas for photos I might want to take in the future.

I feel the most beautiful right after I've showered, put on makeup, etc. I feel good, so I don't look so rawr. Other than that, it's when you're getting an award during graduation - like I was all dressed up and then I got my awards, it just felt great, like there was light beaming off me. Also when you're shopping, you pick out the perfect fitting jeans or shirt without having to go find a bigger size. It just feels good to dress the way you want, and not have to be discouraged if it doesn't fit. And, when you're with the person you like, and your just sitting together. There's more room, but you sit close together anyways.

Hideous? After gym, after crying, not being clean for more than 2 days, waking up, after eating a lot, while being sad and hating the world, and etc. Oh, and when you're sick.

I think what makes me feel best, is like, being the center of attention, or close to it. After looking at what I wrote, I felt good when people sort of noticed me. The worst I guess is not feeling 'clean'. Like when you cry, makeup runs, your face turns red, and you just feel like crap. Same with being sick.

Confidence? Uhm, being with friends and having a good time. And compliments help as well.

I feel most beautiful in two scenarios:

1. When I've showered, my hair is big and wavy, and I have my favorite, dramatic cat-eye makeup on my eyes, and my eyebrows are filled in with brown powder to make them not so wimpy looking. Think Kat Von D, just not as heavy around the eyes. I feel really good in sleek, bold clothing like pencil skirts and stilettos, or skinny jeans with tall boots over them. Jade jewelry or really blingy(lol) jewelry are my favorites. I love feeling glamorous and mysterious!

2. The time I feel most genuinely beautiful is when I'm with animals. That's the one time I can remove my "armor" so to speak, and let all the kindness I feel inside show through. It doesn't matter what I'm wearing, or whether or not I have any makeup on, I feel like that kind of beauty comes from inside. :angry: Even if I have a giant goose sitting on my leg and sprinkling me with mud drips. :eek:

I feel hideous if my eyes are dry and puffy, and if my bangs(which I am growing out), are squashed flat against my face. Ugh. I can't even stand to look at myself when they look that way!! I also feel creepy if someone tells me I look tired. I understand that they're concerned, but do you really need to point out how bad I already know that I look?? :eek:

I feel most confident doing 2 things:

1. Dancing in front of a crowd. I have loved performing dance since I started 8 years ago. I ballroom dance, so when it's just me and my partner dancing in front of even hundreds of people and judges...I feel like a star! I love it.

2. Working with animals/Giving educational talks about them. I feel extraordinarily confident doing these things. Even when I am working with unpredictable animals(snakes, birds, bugs) or aggressive animals(parrots, roosters, geese, lizards), I feel very "in-tune" with the creatures and what I am doing. No matter what happens, I know I can handle it and carry on.

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I feel hideous when I get up, come back from school or eat a big meal (I think I'm heading down the anorexia direction)

I feel beautiful surprisingly when I look really pale. The pale look suits me.

I almost never feel beautiful. And I am NEVER confident. Especially when I'm in contests or things. I think I'll lose. But in the end, I mostly win. That's why I try not to be confident.

I feel hideous when people look at me or stare at me....They scare me too.

When I have a pretty hair due and the sun doesn't make me dark, but tan. :mimitchi:

When do you feel the most 'beautiful'? Physically? Otherwise?


Well, The only time I truly felt beautiful is when I got my hair dyed, cut and straightened. I felt so pretty especially when everyone except a few popular girls said i looked really good

When do you feel the most 'hideous'? Physically? Otherwise?


Usually about everyday, or when i'm in gym class, or at the end of the day.

And I feel confident when I do something smart or someone sticks up for me.

When do you feel the most 'beautiful'? Physically? Otherwise?

Hmm... I don't know. When I wear something different to my usual sports shirts and stuff. Next week when I get my hair cut and coloured, I'll probably feel good about myself.

When do you feel the most 'hideous'? Physically? Otherwise?

I don't know about this either... I guess when I am compared to the popular girls by other people, or when I am standing among them or whatever.

What do you think makes you feel your best? Your worst?

I don't know... I am very self conscious.

What makes you confident?

Sports, because I'm good at most of them. The teachers compliment me occasionally and that makes me feel really good about myself :ichigotchi:

When do you feel the most 'beautiful'? Physically? Otherwise?


I feel pretty when I get complimented on my shoes or my Flute playing. :3

When do you feel the most 'hideous'? Physically? Otherwise?


When I don't get to straighten my bangs. ._.

What makes you feel your best? Your worst?


Best: When I can try out/play Tuba. It makes me feel better..

Worst: Having to play a Jazz Rhythm and everyone has to echo. I feel like barfing. Srsly.

What makes you confident?


Playing my instruments, especially Tuba. Because I am most comlimented in that area. [by my teacher and my parents]

And singing. I really like it. Now, I don't sing stuff like FOB, I'm talking concert music. :3 And I can sing Baritone.. Which not many girls in the Alto Section can sing.

Plus, being with my friends. I can be all funny and stuff [Even if Scott is there. xD]. That's not my normal side.

I feel pretty when I'm in a pretty outfit, my face isn't covered in monster-sized zits and when my hair isn't greasy. And when I get enough sleep, and when I get a song on iTunes that I've wanted for weeks, and right after I play Battlefront, and when I see something in the store that's totally awesome and related to Star Wars.

I feel worst.. every other time.

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