When does morning start?


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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
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So..when does morning start?

I say it starts when the sun begins so rise.

She says It starts after midnight. (Whenever it's AM)

...I'm so confused XD

As far as I'm concerned, morning starts when I wake up.

But if I were to take your question seriously, I'd say when the sun rises.

I voted the AM option; technically it is morning when the clock turns midnight (12:00am), but I do agree that morning starts for me when I wake up. However, we broke up for summer hols the Friday just gone and I have slept in yesterday and today until 11am so I have a one-hour-long morning! Haha.


When the sun rises. Because according to an old teacher of mine, night starts when the sun goes down, so morning starts when the sun comes up.

When I wake up.

I'm not really sure what I consider morning. I would think after midnight. Like...it somebody went to sleep after midnight they usually say they went to bed at three in the morning and such.

The correct answer is technically after Midnight.

But a lot of people will chose when the sun begins to rise.

Technicly (Blargh I need to know how to spell that word.) Its starts after 12 PM. But I say morning starts when the sun comes up. The AM PM thing is just to stop confusion. I think xD

The correct answer is technically after Midnight.But a lot of people will chose when the sun begins to rise.
Not really.

After midnight is a new day, but it is still very dark because the dark didn't even start until about 9:00 PM. The correct time morning starts is when the sun rises.

I think of the morning as anything with an AM tagged at the end, so for me it starts at 12:00 AM, midnight (which means that the term midnight is actually nonsensical :( ) and ends at 12:00 PM, noon.

The sun rises at different times, but midnight is at the same time everyday. When the sun rises, it's dawn. Snap.

I voted when the sun rises.

For me, I consider AM the beginning of a new day. And when the sun rises, the begining of the morning.

morning is sunrise. If no, then why do you say like, for example, at 2 at night? like if it was 2 A.M?

To me, Morning is when I wake up in the afternoon

For example, Say its June 20th today, and I'm still awake past midnight, making it the 21st

and I'm going to say "Tommorow I'm going to the store" I don't mean the 22nd.

Confusing. I know.

To me, Morning is when I wake up in the afternoon
For example, Say its June 20th today, and I'm still awake past midnight, making it the 21st

and I'm going to say "Tommorow I'm going to the store" I don't mean the 22nd.

Confusing. I know.
I'm the same way.

^That's what started the debate XD

It was 1am and my friend IMed me. She said "It's morning!"

And I was like "No... it's Night.. It's dark"

and we debated

Morning starts at 12:01AM. There is no 12:00AM or PM. It's a neutral minute that's why that minute has 2 names. Noon or Midnight :blink: . You can't even define 12:00 AM or PM. It does not exist XD

But yes, 12:01AM.

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