when does the matchmaker come?


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Active member
May 5, 2005
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hi my tama is 6 and the matchmaker still hasn't come!!!!!! help :unsure: :angry: :angry:

she usually come at 7 or 8 sometime 6 or 5 but always at 7 or 8 she comes around 10 am, 3pm, and 7 pm

:angry: :angry: :eek: she will come but if she dosent it will turn into an old-timer :D
Actually, this in NOT the case sometimes. My 1g got the matchmaker at 2 (the tama changed at 2 also) So, the matchmaker does not come at any certain age. It will normally come at 6-10 though.

Hope this helped!

(my tama is a V1 though)


the matchmaker comes to my tama when she/he is 7, every time but it's different from tama to tama. o_^

read the instruchuns it says when your tama is old and you still haven't found a match he then will come.. :mimitchi: B) :)

Mine came wen my tamagotchi was 8.the first time it came it brung some frankinstein looking 1. i said no. then it came with a black tall duckish thing. i said yes. then it had a baby the baby grew but was a brat so i reset the whole thing.

Mine came when it was 7 and the time was 3:00 pm. see if that helps!!!!!

.:arimicah1:. :angry:

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