When it says "Do Not Press"


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Well-known member
Jun 20, 2007
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Look behind you...
I, Iamamametchi walked to Walmart because I heard there was a new tamagotchi out. When I got there I gasped. The tama was three times as big as me. On a sign it said you can raise as many tama's as you want on it. On the side there was a red button that said "Do Not Press." I made a tama on tamagotchi. It ended up being a Makiko. The next night I couldn't get to sleep. So I walked to Walmart and a light was shining. I went inside because the doors were unlocked and failed to notice the Closed sign. I walked to the tama. It was glowing. Then I was so sleepy my head leaned against the red button. The tama made a beeping noice. "Oh no! Now it is probley reset." I thought. Then I was sucked into the tama, as my Makiko!


Anyone can be sucked into the tama because you can have as many people as you want in it.

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Then, Dr.Tama got sucked in. "Hey, is that you, Iamamametchi?"

"Sorry iamamametchi, but i have no clue how to get out of here. Hey! We've been pixelized just like tamas, only we look like pixelized humans!" Dr.Tama exclaims...

The next morning----

ShiloTama goes into Walmart to see what tama accessories they have when she notices a HUGE tamagotchi. She peers at it and says that looks like Bob and iamamametchi and Dr.Tama in there.! She decides to buy it for 1.99 (cheap! she exclaims!) On the way home she drops it and the red button hits the sidewalk. 'gulp!' that button said do not press. The next moment ShiloTama looks at herself and she is pixelated.....HELP!!!!!!!!!! she screams.

Shiloh is VERY scared but she gets into the house and suddenly, she is no longer pixelated but when she looks out of the house evrything is still pixelated....this is SO WEIRD she thinks.

Dr.Tama realizes she's still wearing her tamas on her tamaleash. She begins to laugh, to the amazement of the rest inside the tama. To explain, she managed between laughs, to say "Pixelized tamagotchis with pixel characters inside them! We're tamagotchi with tamagotchis!" The others give her a strange look...

Chao blinked in amazement from across the street as the girl got sucked in. there was a bright flash and she was gone.

Looking back at the house, she crossed the street to find out what could have possibly made it dissapear. inside there seemed to be a house, someone laughing outside and a few people staring otu the window.

"What kinda Tama is this thing?" I asked and noticed the shiny red button.

Being the kind of person who has lived in warehouse 23's basement I knew the precaution of touching such things with red buttons, however the compusion was there. Do not push, it's like someone looking up when someoen says, don't look now.

however all of this was thought in a split second as my right index finger pressed in the button, and I too, was sucked into the dreaded thing.

Wine_Deer is daydreaming while walking to Walmart. She bumps into the tama and when she does her stomach accidently pressed the button that said 'Do Not Press' and she got sucked in. She still was completely in daydream mode so she keeps walking in the tama, uknowing of what happened.

"I think so! Hey, now we don't have to go back to school untill we find a way to get out!" Dr.Tama says.

Y: Here, I'll hand you guys some food! *puts potato chips into the tamagotchi* *watches it dissapear into tamagotchi* *puts 4 soda cans inside tama* Just ask for something and I'll put it in the tama. But what about your parents?

I forgot about them! Ok now we REALLY need to find a way out. How about a drill? Maybe we can drill to the cricet bored and fry it. The results would would either be getting out or killing us. Hmm. I guess that 's a bad idea.

*Eats and drinks* Thanks. Maybe BanDai could help. Call them. They might know how to get us out. Um, Wine_Deer. You know your sucked into this tamagotchi don't you?

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