When to expect the Matchmaker?


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Active member
Jul 15, 2012
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I have a v4 & v4.5, they just turned 5 a couple hours ago.

At what age should I see the matchmaker?

The matchmaker comes at 10:30 AM, 3:00 PM, and 7:00 PM I believe.

but will i see the matchmaker at age 5?

my tamas are 5 (due for age 6 in a few hours) and both met the matchmaker today!

thanks for the times.

This info is for the v4 not sure if it will work on the other.

Your tamagotchi has to be at least 72 hours old. (6-10 years).

The matchmakers visting times are 10:30am, 3:00pm, and 7:00pm! You can even set your tama's clock to a minute before one of the mentioned times and wait one minute for her to show!! ^_^

At 10 years old your tama will turn into an old timer and the matchmaker will stop visiting. Once an old timer you cant partner with any other tama unless they are an old timer as well. The female old timer is Otokitchi and the male is Ojitchi. If they have a baby it will always be Oyajitchi. He is very rare!!!

I hope this helped you!!!! :D :D

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