When was the last time you got the crap scared....


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Well-known member
Oct 29, 2005
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In a dumpster
One tiem i was walking into music class wonderin.... where is the teacher...and why are the lights off?. then all of a sudden some kid comes in and screams my name REALLY Loud! i almost flew

I went into one of those haunted house things with my friends. It was extremely scary. x_x'

People would like pop out with knives and chainsaws.

This morning, I played Oh Canada or an assembly, and the piano was really close to a speaker. I was just sitting there, waiting for my turn, then suddenly, there's was a super loud noise, coming from the speaker. Now, I didn't know it was from the speaker, so I freaked out.

In Netball today, I was like wandering into my own world. Then someone yelled my name and threw me the ball. I got freaked out and fell.


I was watching a scary film in the dark and my back was too the door and my little brother sneaked him and sat behind me. When the adverts came on I went to get a drink and I turned around and he had his halloween mask on. I screamed he screamed and I ran outside and refused to watch the rest of the movie :l

Yesterday. I walked into the hallway at home, and my sister bumped into me.

Have you ever turned the corner, and got spooked someone was there? Happens to me alot, but she was holding a giant box to bring to my mom. There were scary masks in it, and I screamed bloody murder and ran back downstairs.

I was walking along the hallway and my mum was coming out of her room, and I knew that, but she jumped cause she didn't see I was coming and I jumped because she jumped. Then we screamed together at eachother. D:

Scared the bahjoolie outta me.

Good grief. Where the heck do I start.

The last time was when my brother had a screensaver that made noise. I screamed my head off. (Our computers are in the same room)

And another time not that long ago, I was on a different computer with iTunes up. I kept hearing a droning noise that sounded like Obi-Wan turning off the tractor beam. I was like... Okay. Either Obi-Wan's in the basement, or there's someone breaking in. (I was home alone) So I grabbed my cell phone and ran upstairs. As soon as I called my mom I saw that my phone was on vibrate. That was the noise. I had a new text message and it was reminding me every 2 minutes. xD I was like...-Darn Obi-Wan's not in the house. D8-

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I was camping out in the backyard with my friend and I had this dream that I was a comedian, and this stadium of people were applausing, but the applause turned out just to be rain on the tent, lol, so I looked up and thought I saw someone being murdered. It was kind of creepy, and of course, scared the crap out of me. Dx

When a chicken started chasing me. I threw a ball at it and it scared the heck out of both the chicken and I. :) ;) :rolleyes:

We were having fireworks and a bonfire for Victoria Day last night.

People would throw a fire cracker in the bonfire when no one was expecting it, and scare the crap out of everyone.

i done a topic like this xD but it got dead, i admit, so


i got FREAAAAAKINNNG scared when my aunt´s dog was barking to an empty room, ._. it think it was a gHOSTT!

and i got scared when i was on my school, i forgot my book for a BIG homework, i went to my class, i was alone and i felt like something pushed me out of the class, O_O freaky, huh?

I got scared when the ketchup flew out of the fridge today.

At school today, John kept staring at me all creepy, and it scared the crap out of me. And I started screaming and laughing. I probably looked crazy. :D

A few weeks ago when I got out of the shower, put on my towel, and a wasp flew full speed into the bathroom and started madly buzzing around. I screamed so loud you would have thought someone was murdering me. Then I ran out of the bathroom half naked and told my dad to kill the wasp.

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