When Will Max Grow?


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Sep 18, 2008
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My sisters pink V4 tama got accidently paused in my pocket at school. I don't know how long he was paused, sorry, but now Donna is older than Max. When will a Tama who has been Paused then Unpaused take to age? Max is a young Androtchi :D and is 2 years old. Donna is a Masktichi :ph34r: and 3 years old. Please help me! I really want Max and Donna to have babies!

Need Help!


It always takes toddlers on the v4 exactly 48 hours un-paused (!) until they grow into an adult. So depending on how long your Young Androtchi was paused, this time will have to be added up onto these 48 h. Say, if the tama Max has been paused for three hours, it will evolve three hours after your unpaused tama Donna has evolved (given you started them both at the same time).

um it was because max was paused. (by the way if its a v4 you can turn max into a mametchi by getting smart points) but pause donna until max evolves and then use the honey. Thats all the advice i can give.

You just have to wait the amount of time Max was paused for him to grow. He and Donna will still be able to have babies.

Yes, you will still be able to marry. The only requirement is that both have to be adults for 24 hours. I once had a 5 year male ChoHimetchi who still managed to marry a 11 year old female Kaerutchi. o_O The male doesn't HAVE to be older than the female. They'll still be able to marry.

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