when will she leave!


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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
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Does anyone know what time the parent leaves its child? Its supposed to leave tonight. (v3)

when you get merryed that night at 12:00pm it will enter(the oldie) glaze at baby then it will leave with no noise and in the moring he will wake up you will be able to name your new tamagotchi :furawatchi:

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my baby tama has been with the parent for about tw0 days. last night at 8 the matchmaker came and today my parent is STILL here.

I changed the time to 11:59 and my tama left! I just started the 7th generation!

At mid-night of the second day* the parent will wake up and turn on the lights, but the baby will remain sleeping in bed. The parent will just stand there for about 3 minutes, then jump up and disappear off the screen. (The lights will turn off again, automatically.) When the baby wakes up in the morning, s/he will be alone.

(* example: if your Tamagotchi character mated and had a baby at 10:30 AM Thursday, then the parent will leave the baby at midnight as Friday becomes Saturday.)

There is a photo sequence of this happening here: https://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g310/bin...ics/LEAVING.jpg

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