When will the matchmaker STOP coming?


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Jan 2, 2005
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When will the matchmaker STOP coming to my tama? What age? Will she visit everyday till then?

And when does my tama grow into the final stage? I heard 16?

I was told that it is at the age of 16. I believe you are right. That is when your tama turns into an oldtimer and then it will eventually die off if you don't mate it with another oldtimer of the opposite sex. If you don't use the matchmaker and you don't connect, you will not get a baby and you will lose any generations that you currently have.

Theres more questions to be answered in my first post:)

will she visit everyday till 16?

Yes she will visit everyday till age 16. After that, if you don't have a friend with an oldtimer of he opposite sex you can not breed and will lose all generations you might already have.

No problem, anytime. If you ever have anymore questions, feel free to PM me. I am almost always online and if I am online, I am on tamatalk!

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