When will they make an English Tama movie.


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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2009
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WHEN WILL THEY MAKE AN ENGLISH TAMAGOTCHI MOVIE?!? I mean, I could take Japanese classes and all but that would be like taking lessons just to be

able to watch some movie. PLZ BANDAI MAKE AN ENGLISH TAMA MOVIE! :D

They shouldn't change the setting and plot, though. Or the characters. :)

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I doubt they will anytime soon. Why would they go to the trouble to? And besides, not that many people would come, I don't think.

In fact, I don't think they've posted the movie in Japanese on the web either


That sucks I really want to hear what they say......... :( :unsure: :nazotchi: :) :eek: :kusatchi: :p

well, i've heard that there's a tamagotchi anime movie coming somethime this summer but im not sure......if so i hope tosakatchi's in it even if it's one secound!

Yeah I agree they should put all our favorite characters on it! :furawatchi: :blink: :D B)

According to Tamazone, it's said to come on June 3rd, 2010.

That's too long to wait. :(

And I found out that Kuro makes an important appearance at one point. Hehe.

According to Tamazone, it's said to come on June 3rd, 2010.
That's too long to wait. :(

And I found out that Kuro makes an important appearance at one point. Hehe.
ooooooooooo! Is tosakatchi in it?!?!?!??!?! =D

ooooooooooo! Is tosakatchi in it?!?!?!??!?! =D
If he was in the Let's Go! Tamagotchi! episodes, then there's a pretty good chance of him appearing.

If he was in the Let's Go! Tamagotchi! episodes, then there's a pretty good chance of him appearing.

It's also on Youtube, but it's in Japanese. As someone else said, it is coming out on DVD in 2010

Oh yeah, on DVD in English. 8D It's already out in Japan.

I higly doubt we wil get it due to he fact that BANDi is a japanese company. I love japan. Even though ive never ben ttheeree. One day I wish to move there though. The fod people and toys are al so awsome and I just love it.

Haha. A lot of things I like are coming out in '10 xD

Can't wait. I've seen a few scenes of the Japanese movie on the web. It looks adorable<3


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