When would you buy a fake?


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I would buy one just to show how fake it is(one of the ones that are like 1$)

I can't belive I wanted to buy that touch screen one! I'm new to this board(I went here just for fun) and I saw JD on it :p ratz and it would be soooo cool if it was real! ;)

where are fake tamas even sold? are they sold in stores?

where are they even made? are they made by the people who make real ones?


When and where will they even sell fakes? I would use a fake to defend my real tamas from robbers (If i diddnt have an alarm in this house).
P. S. - My cousin had like 15 fakes. Lucky.
A robber wouldn't go through all that trouble to steal a tamagotchi.

Fake Tamagotchis are usually less appealing and are buggy/confusing. If it was the last virtual pet on earth...well, I could live without v-pets then...

I would buy a fake if it was the last thing on Earth! :furawatchi: Well, that's what I voted, but now I realise I probably just wouldn't buy a fake anyway, even if they were the only virtual pet! I can live without them! Because I already have a 'fake'. Well, it's this thing called a Poomki Pal, and you CAN'T pause it! It needs constant attention, and it dies if you leave it for over 2 minutes. It's quite big and bulky, and ugly too. The batteries ran out after about a week and I've never touched it since! Well, it was only $2 (but I bought it in England, for 1 pound) and at least I now know all about the horrors of fakes!

I would buy one, just for fun and to see if JD/Honey Lovers are any good. But since I cannot buy off eBay, I would have to buy it in stores :3


New post O_O That last one sounded BAD.

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I would'nt ever buy a fake ;) Fakes are scam and is a waste of our hard earned money :p .

I hope when I buy the new TMGC+Colour it won't be a fake :D

I once bought a fake. The middle button popped out, then 2 seconds later, Thw whole thing fell apart! (I blended it into a smoothie and fed it to the cat ;) )

I have never bought a fake and will not. When you buy a fake you are supporting the people/companies that are producing and selling these fakes.

I would buy a Fake on my bro's b day and give it to him lol :furawatchi:

But if it was for me i would not buy one. you dont know what the tamagotchi fake could do like if you probly connect it to your others (if any) it could give them a bug and you'll have to restart it and mabye it will like turn off for ever like it sleeping for ever and in this case my tama is a familitchi and it cost $30 and that would be a waste of money because i could not be able to play with it. but this is if the company put battiries in it and put a bug in it and by buying one your surrporting a company that probely put viruses on computers to steal money wich is bad :furawatchi:

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