When you got really scared?


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Well-known member
Mar 22, 2009
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Guatemala city-Guatemala
i got really really scared two times...

1- my aunt´s dog (a shih-tzu) was barking, and i went to see why he was barking and... HE WAS BARKING A EMPTY ROOM!! Ghost maybe?

2- on my school, i was looking for my noteboook (the which was on my class because i almost forget it for my HW) and i was alone, then when i was going to get out of the class (because i was alone ;) ) i felt like someone pushed me out of the class :eek: .

I get scared a lot. I am apparently an excellent source of entertainment when I scream and fall over. Which happens every time someone jumps out at me unexpectedly. It's the four year old within me. XD

But I always seem to be the one with the scariest story at sleepovers. And then I'll be the one who gets terrified the most at 4am. Because I saw a funny-looking shadow or something. Yeah, I need to stop doing that.

I get scared when everyone in the house goes to bed and I'm the only one up on the computer in the house and the entire house is dark... x_x;

thats creepy. I start hearing things.

I also get scared when strangers come up and talk to me. x_x;

One time when I was sleeping. It was all dark. I look and I saw a silhouette of a person, with a gun pointed at me. Nothing was really there but I got really scared. I hid under the covers for like 20 minutes with my heart pounding

then alot of other times when I hear noises, or really LOUD noises in the dark

when i was just a kid when i see many strangers i am really scared because i dont know what to do and what to say when they talk or ask me

When I could've sworn there there was a raccoon in a business suit at my front door :0

And, when people tickle me out of nowhere. That always seems to freak me out. Like at camp at about 4am, Hina came up and tickled me randomly. Knowing me, I screamed at the top of my lungs. Woke up everyone in the camp. People are scared of tickling me now xP

When I was walking back from school today, an old man was coming out of a shop and I didn't really notice. So when I looked up, there was just a random man walking towards me. I screamed and fell back.

Me? Not really. But one time [A long time ago], in the morning around 2 PM my sister was screaming all over the house. She thought she saw a snake, but it was just a wire O_O Man, it woke me up.

Hmm...one time I was in bed and I saw something that looked like a face of a person. x.x But I looked closely and it was just a blanket. I like making uo things in my mind. D:

Last night, I went to see The Haunting In Connecticut with Tara and Kara. I screamed throughout most of it (almost silently, but not quite xD) and put my head down a lot because things happen to just.. Pop up. Not to mention I didn't take my pill for anxiety, so I got a straw to chew on before we went in and ended up with about an inch left of it that wasn't completely destroyed. :3

Oh, and I cried at the end. Because it was sad.

And now, because of that movie, I'm extremely afraid to go into our basement alone. Last night, I brought my mommy with me. :D

Otherwise, I get scared when my shower door is left open and I can see inside. Like right now, I'm staring at it, and I'm afraid the girl from The Ring with crawl out and kill me.

I have a thing for scary movies about the dead. But not gore. I watched Saw V last night at dinner and the pizza stayed down just fine. ^^

Kehehe, when I first started to watch Higurashi (a somewhat horror anime)...well, once I was watching it and I could see the reflection of my door's window in the computer screen. So I was watching Higurashi and BAM I thought that in the window of my door (in the reflection XD) I could see Rena holding her hatchet up to the door. o_O Well then I closed down the computer and went straight to bed. XD lulz.

And then...when I was little, every night I thought there was a furry orange monster in the house, out to get me. He was huuuuge. XD Ahaha, I really thought he was there.

I don't really get scared much. Shocked easily when people just pop up and go "OMG COURTNEY HI", but I can watch horror animes now without even being discusted! Even the nail-ripping-off scene in Higurashi that everone else is like...reeeally scared of, dosn't bug me one bit. I'm not scared! *watches Rena kill someone*

Auauauauauuuu! *hides* TnT I'm...not...scared... ;_; No seriously, I'm not scared. XD I was just kidding. =P

Don't get me started.

I get scared when my brother comes around the corner

When something falls off the table

When I'm alone and the power goes out. O_O <More like horrified>

Sometimes at night when I hear noises

If it's nighttime and I'm trying to turn on a light and someone walks by

When my brother plays video games

When my mom calls me by my full name (Dead...)

And that's only the beginning. =_=;

Hmm...one time I was in bed and I saw something that looked like a face of a person. x.x But I looked closely and it was just a blanket. I like making uo things in my mind. D:
LOOL that happend to me I thought I saw Michael Jacksons face but like I got up and turned on the light and it was my white shirt hanging with my black Jumper also hanging sround it I got FREAKED xD

And just now xD my dad turned on the drill and it made me jump and fall off my chair and cut my thumb xp

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I cried on the Ghoster Coaster ._.

It's the kiddie ride at Wonderland. And I got really scared on the Merry-Go-Round too. Roller coasters, or any rides, don't work well with me.

I was at a sleepover at my friends house and he brother had friends over. They hid in her room and when I turned the light on, out POPED one of his idiot friends in a zombie mask. What made me mad is he kept comming back and she had no lock on her door. I through water at him XD that made him alittle mad...8))

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hermm i got scared a bit ago in my house, i was watching tv when i turned my head i saw like something was hiding behind the closet beneath the washer. and i noticed it was just a optical illusion ;)

What I don't know scares me. I hate thinking about the future, so Luke comes up to me and goes "HEY ALICE! How do you think dying feels?" and stuff and I got goosebumps. It's really weird :\

I remember, I was 5 and Kyle was 9, and he always used to say things like "That man's gonna eat you!" and I used to get really scared haha.

Well today I was walking down the hall with my friend at school, and someone started poking, so I said, "Whoever's poking me can stop it or I'm just going to ignore them," so they carried on. I carried on walking and said to my friend, "Who's poking me?" and he said, "No-one..." so I looked around and no-one was there and he hadn't been poking me since his hands were full.

One time I took a shortcut to school because I was going to be late which was stupid since it was a dark morning, and I felt like I was being followed. So I looked around to see some person dressed in black creeping up behind me with something shiny. I freaked out and started running and got to school early.

But I don't really get scared, and people can't really make me jump... I'm just weird like that. Although, if someone pops a balloon, I freak out. I hate balloons popping.

I went to see the grudge when I was younger. (Not that young, but oh well)

It scared the crap out of me. x_x

Idk. When a stranger gets too close to me. I have bad experiences with strangers. They assaulted me :mametchi:

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