Where can I buy batteries for a tamagotchi?


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Active member
Mar 9, 2008
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Umm yeah I'm really really sorry for opening another thread.. but i just needed to ask this

in what kind of stores can I buy batteries for my two tamagotchis?

I need a battery for a v3 and one for a v4... I can't find them in the stores!

can someone help me?

*feels ashamed that she needs to ask this*

srry that im asking it hehe but i have no idea where i can get them! ;)

oh and um.. i couldn't find it in the FAQ or somewhere else.. ;S

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V3 & V4 require one CR2032 battery each. You can find them in camera stores, drug stores (may be known as a pharmacy or chemist in your country), and toy stores (ask at the service counter at Toys R Us.)

V3 & V4 require one CR2032 battery each.  You can find them in camera stores, drug stores (may be known as a pharmacy or chemist in your country), and toy stores (ask at the service counter at Toys R Us.)
Oooo thankies!

I'll have a look tommorow if I have time! ;)

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In a store....like Walmart...but I don't know the size of the battery,sorry ;) :D :D

i got myne in a costcutter store ;) :S

lmaaaaoo we don't have a walmart here i live in holland xd

but i think i know a store where i can buy them and i already found a site with the batteries so i also can buy them online but i really want my tamagotchis to work! :D


I usually get mine at Walgreens, but I found some at Kroger last week. I'm sure there's somewhere you can get them even in Holland without having to order them online.

You can find them wherever they sell batteries for like cameras, phones etc they are sometimes call MedicalBatteries on the label. and Binary is right, the code is 2032 if it doesn't say tht on the battery it probably wont work.

Tama 3445521508 :D

Walgreens.. that's where ive bought my tamagotchi in america! lol xd

thankieeeees everyone =)

I'll have a look tomorrow at the stores!

I want my tamagotchis to work! xd

and now I'm off to bed xd zzzzzz

lmaao xd

edit; yes that's the right battery, cos the old battery in my tamagotchi says that code!

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Hiyaaa everyone! =)

thankies, i've just found some batteries in the store

CR2032 and my tamagotchis are working!! FINALLY! YAY!!! :D

8 batteries for only 0,89 ! (euros)


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