Where can I get a tama?


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Mar 5, 2006
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I really want a tama, but wherever I go, I can't seem to find one! No one has them in stock! :( I checked Walgreens, and Target, but they won't get any more until the end of April. I CAN'T WAIT THAT LONG! I NEED ONE NOW!! ...sigh...

And another thing... Should I get zebra stripes or snake skin. And also, am I missing out on anything gigantic if I don't connect too much?

I can't find one either. I've been to three different stores and a flea market. I'm now phoning Wal-Mart regularly.

Hopefully, I'll be going to KB Toys today, and if there aren't any there, I will have to resort to ebay.

Your best bet is online stores, I heard they're holding tamagotchis for a little bit so they have a lot to distribute...and not sell out so fast.

You can find them at the Toys'R'Us in Poukeepise, of course you have to live in the area somewhere. They also only get shipments on (TUESDAY). :blink: :eek: B) :eek: :furawatchi: :p :eek: B) :eek: :)

I was able to get 2 for my kids on Amazon.com -- sometimes they have them, sometimes they are sold out. Or check with your local stores for what day they get shipments -- and go EARLY that day. My local Target gets their shipments on tuesdays -- and are sold out by lunchtime, if they get any tamas.

if you have a credit card or somebody willing to let you borrow their's you could order one from Ebay.

i recommend toys R us.

i got 2 tamas while they were out of stock cuz i ordered a hold.

they called me when they had them and got me the color of my choice!!!

ps. defanantly snakeskin.

my friend macaRONA [tamatalk name] has it and its kewl.

Oh my gosh! I feel so sorry for you people i live in Australia where i live we have so many shops selling them! V1'S V2'S V2 PACKS V3'S! If u live in australia try k-mart, targets, most toys shops, Also try their sound departments or electronics some shops do not count them as toys! Hope that helps :D

i was just going to say what tama_freak_66 said. in Australia i'd say every toy shop has them! i would have thought America would have more but oh well! :blink:

I really want a tama, but wherever I go, I can't seem to find one! No one has them in stock! :blink: I checked Walgreens, and Target, but they won't get any more until the end of April. I CAN'T WAIT THAT LONG! I NEED ONE NOW!! ...sigh...
If u go on www.bandai.com it will show a picture of 2 tamagotchi characters and will say WHERE TO BUY and click it. if u can not go there and type it in, here is the link:


hope this helps!! :(

I live in sinagpore and i think most major toys shops like toyrus do sell them :blink: I'm getting one soon...by the way there are also many 'pirated' around that look alike :( b careful

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