Where did we come from...?


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Eh kay [yus, shame on me for being her on my vacation, I knowz xP] I'm going to reply on this whole God vs time vs creation thing.

Creators are not rule by their creation. If an artist makes a clay figure, does he then have to play by the rules of the clay creation? Of course not. If God CREATE time and CREATED space and all the laws of physics then why should He be ruled by them? We are finite people so we can't comprehend the infinite.

Eh kay [yus, shame on me for being her on my vacation, I knowz xP] I'm going to reply on this whole God vs time vs creation thing.
Creators are not rule by their creation. If an artist makes a clay figure, does he then have to play by the rules of the clay creation? Of course not. If God CREATE time and CREATED space and all the laws of physics then why should He be ruled by them? We are finite people so we can't comprehend the infinite.
Relying on human logic gets you no where in the realm of the supernatural. Let's take what you say to be true... Then what created matter? Itself?

Well, you see, we never really will know for sure. In my opinion, I think that both evolution and God played a part in the creation of this earth and what it is today.
Who's to say that God didn't create those one celled organisms that evolved into very complicated life forms known as humans and primates? But then you have think, who created God? And who created the thing that created God? And then who created that? It's really a never ending chain of questions about what created what, how'd this get here, etc.

The world as it is today obviously didn't just appear. Something had to have created it. Maybe it was the big bang, maybe it was God. And who's to say a Christian can't believe in both things? God could have created the creatures that later evolved into humans, like I said before.

While I'm pretty sure it is against the Bible to not believe in God creating the earth, and then creating Adam and Eve, it isn't wrong to question it, or to believe that evolution really happened. (in my opinion) There are a few things in the bible that I don't really agree with. Like, the Bible says that you are not to be gay, lesbian, homosexual, whatever you want to call it. But there are Christians out there that are gay and lesbian and homosexual.

We will never know for sure how the earth got to be what it is today and where living creatures came from, and whatever. But it is a very interesting concept to think about. I do not think that there is just one answer, either evolution or religion. I think it's probably a combination of the two. Sometimes you have to piece together the puzzle one piece at a time, and figure out new strategies and whatnot. Something may have created the earth, or God may have done it. There quite possibly could have been something here all along that created the earth, or made things happen and such.

Ok, to end this post, we will never know for sure, but it is a very interesting thing to discuss. But, as long as we're all here, why not enjoy our lives and not spend all of our time trying to figure out things that will never, ever, EVER be clearly explained.
It's supposedly proven that a 20 year old fossil was dated to a few millenea ago, is that a sign of evolution?

And as for Christian bi/homosexuals, what does that have to do with our discussion?

-By the way, they may outwardly be Christians, but if they know what they study and they go against it, it's a sin until they realize that going against their own law is wrong. I have references if you wish to discuss this outside the forum.

If we'll never know for sure, then why do we try to find out?

I believe in God. 

I don't believe that there was a big bang and then the earth was created along with trees, water, animals, ect.

You can't create something from nothing (like Tw/p said). I think that God was just there...he wasn't created, he was just there.

And he created a world, and created the human male. Then, to make the female, he used one of the mans ribs.


But really, this discussion isn't science vs religion (as Trilby mentioned). It's opinion based. Nobody will ever know how the Earth was


Think about it though...isn't the ear a miracle? Or the liver? It would have taken MUCH more than star particles (or whatever it is some people think created teh first animals and objects) to create the liver. It would have had to taken deep thought and intelligence.


We will never know, and sometimes it frusterates me to want to know but never being able to!! Yet it is pretty fun to think about.
I agree with the whole "fascination" deal. It's kind of hard to show how any of the organs were formed.

Eh kay [yus, shame on me for being her on my vacation, I knowz xP] I'm going to reply on this whole God vs time vs creation thing.
Creators are not rule by their creation. If an artist makes a clay figure, does he then have to play by the rules of the clay creation? Of course not. If God CREATE time and CREATED space and all the laws of physics then why should He be ruled by them? We are finite people so we can't comprehend the infinite.
Thats it? How can we know because we're measly little humans? God doesn't have to play by the rules and we should all be content with that? That's fine but it offers little food for thought.

Are you saying that there is some sort of dimension that we don't understand outside of the ones we can see and understand? That I can agree with, but it still doesn't explain when we started and what the heck went through gods mind when he decided he'd create a universe. Does time not affect god? Is he immune because he is infinite? Maybe.

As for organs and whatnot being so interesting, is it the general consensus that extra terrestrial beings have the same organs that work in the same way? It would be interesting if on another planet somewhere they had something that was different than the heart controlling their blood, and so on. That would mean that they either evolved differently than us or god gave them different organs to see if they'd work better? Maybe there is no such thing as a heart attack or heart failure, maybe they have a natural pathogen to combat cancerous cells. Or maybe they are worse off. Anyone have any thoughts on that?

Thats it? How can we know because we're measly little humans? God doesn't have to play by the rules and we should all be content with that? That's fine but it offers little food for thought.Are you saying that there is some sort of dimension that we don't understand outside of the ones we can see and understand? That I can agree with, but it still doesn't explain when we started and what the heck went through gods mind when he decided he'd create a universe. Does time not affect god? Is he immune because he is infinite? Maybe.

As for organs and whatnot being so interesting, is it the general consensus that extra terrestrial beings have the same organs that work in the same way? It would be interesting if on another planet somewhere they had something that was different than the heart controlling their blood, and so on. That would mean that they either evolved differently than us or god gave them different organs to see if they'd work better? Maybe there is no such thing as a heart attack or heart failure, maybe they have a natural pathogen to combat cancerous cells. Or maybe they are worse off. Anyone have any thoughts on that?
The probabilty of extra terrestrials is greater than life on earth.

I believe in evolution. I think that humans have stopped evolving considering there really is no 'survival'; it's people moving about in a modern world where most things are provided off-hand.
I disagree completley. While it isn't survival of the fittest anymore, there are still things being slowly changed in human genetics.

You can't stop evolution from happening. If that was the case, all our domestic dogs and cats, rabbits, you name it, would be all the same. They're domestic now, they don't need survival of the fittest. But they aren't all the same, and there have been plenty of species created from domestic existing species. It's just like people, but faster.

On another hand, I'd hate to believe I owe a man's rib for my existence.

Eh kay [yus, shame on me for being her on my vacation, I knowz xP] I'm going to reply on this whole God vs time vs creation thing.
Creators are not rule by their creation. If an artist makes a clay figure, does he then have to play by the rules of the clay creation? Of course not. If God CREATE time and CREATED space and all the laws of physics then why should He be ruled by them? We are finite people so we can't comprehend the infinite.
You know what T/P Out of anyone on TamaTalk I think you could awser this question best.

If "God" is a good "person" and loves us all.

Then why is this world so rotten?

Thats pretty much why im Atheist.

You know what T/P Out of anyone on TamaTalk I think you could awser this question best.
If "God" is a good "person" and loves us all.

Then why is this world so rotten?

Thats pretty much why im Atheist.
First of all, I would like to say I believe in God creating this and that etc. but do believe evolution is a probable thing.


I can answer your question for you.

People are always going about and asking why, if God is so perfect, why the world is not. Well, see here, God may be perfect, but whoever said mankind was? I agree completely with TW/P on this subject.

I have a friend [who knows who she is ;D] tell me that she stopped believing in God because she doesn't understand how there could be a man above us that can defy the laws of physics. But, as TW/P said, if an artist were to create a painting, sculpture, etc., would s/he have to abide to the rules of said creation? No. Why would God have to abide to the rules he created for us to follow?

Another thing. People tend to ask that, if God creates only good, where did Satan come from? My theory is, just as God was, Satan was already here. I don't believe in the whole "Satan is an ex-angel" thing at all. It seems to me to be foolish babble. I mean, I've never found that in the Bible.

Evolution and God creation both sound logical to me, but the Big Bang does not. As Sweet Kandi pointed out, the Big Bang opposes the law of matter conservation. I know I said God can defy all things, but the Big Bang isn't particularly religion related.

One more thing I would like to point out. If anyone asks, "If God loves all his creations, why does he hate homosexuals, murderers, etc.?", I would like to answer that. God does not hate the people that are homosexual, murderers, etc., he hates the concept of homsexuality, murder, etc. God loves the sinner, but hates the sin.

If none of that made sense, I'm sorry. D:

TG, most of that was correct. But actually, the Bible does talk about Satan, Lucifer the ex angel.

Here for reference.

You can PM me for more discussion if you wish.

In my eyes, none of the theories we have make sense.
The Big Bang is basically: First, there was nothing, then nothing exploded and created everything. Something can't be created from nothing. It's like FMA's equivalent exchange. To obtain, something of equal value must be given up/lost. That also goes with Antoine Lavoisier's law of conservation of matter. Matter can't be destroyed/created, but it can be altered.
Wow Sweet Kandi...if you really think about it, how could an explosion have come from nothing? Although something just makes me still want to believe that the universe started from the Big Bang, most likely since if it's compared to all the other theories (at least the other 1 that I know of how the universe started) this one makes the most sense to me.

The God thing- Same thing as above: How did God start? Did someone create him, or was he just there? I really can't bring myself to believe that. (also raised with science and not religion) It just doesn't seem to make much sense (sorry tw/p!) to me.

I think this: That it won't be the end of the world if we never discover how humans were created. All that matters most is that we're here, right?

(If I didn't make sense it was because I'm tired so...I can't think straight)

I disagree completley. While it isn't survival of the fittest anymore, there are still things being slowly changed in human genetics.
You can't stop evolution from happening. If that was the case, all our domestic dogs and cats, rabbits, you name it, would be all the same. They're domestic now, they don't need survival of the fittest. But they aren't all the same, and there have been plenty of species created from domestic existing species. It's just like people, but faster.

On another hand, I'd hate to believe I owe a man's rib for my existence.
But we can breed dogs cats etc according to how we WANT them to look, or what jobs we want them to perform which has alot to do with it (I think).

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How can anyone really say how the universe was formed? You can't really say unless you were there. if god made the universe, what made god?

How could've he just been there?

I think something happened with time or something. Maybe it lapsed in a way and something happened there. I don't really care. You're here, you live, you die. Does it really matter how it all started?

But we can breed dogs cats etc according to how we WANT them to look, or what jobs we want them to perform which has alot to do with it (I think).
Yes, that's true, but I'm trying to say that the human race in 2000 years won't look like the human race today. There's still some genetic varibility, and people are slowly evolving.

Cats and dogs are domesticated, but that doesn't mean they aren't changing. Even if people know how they want a cat to look, over time, it gets changed. Persians didn't start out with that flat face, siamese didn't look so ghaunt, etc.

It's supposedly proven that a 20 year old fossil was dated to a few millenea ago, is that a sign of evolution?
And as for Christian bi/homosexuals, what does that have to do with our discussion?

-By the way, they may outwardly be Christians, but if they know what they study and they go against it, it's a sin until they realize that going against their own law is wrong. I have references if you wish to discuss this outside the forum.

If we'll never know for sure, then why do we try to find out?
No, I was giving that stuff as an example of things that God is against, but I do not believe it is wrong to practice/think.

And I suppose people try to find out because maybe they think they can figure it out. But it my mind, reality is, nobody by the time our universe is gone, will have figured out where we all came from.

In my opinion I think the whole wolrd beginning thing was completely science.

Nothing agingst what other religeons belive (I'm Christain myself) But I think

whatever happend,happend because of a metior or whatever.

Please forgive me if I offended anyone.

i'm on your side tamaw/pants! i'm christian and i don't care who knows it! GOD HAS CREATED US!

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Ok, so this is wat i belive;

Many years ago God created the world in 7 days, he mad man and then he made woman out of the mas flesh

Now Scincest belive we were made from monkeys >_>

In my apinion thats stupid but thats my apionion so dont get mad

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