Where did you learn about Sex?


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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2007
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I just want to know where everyone learned about sex. And if you're willing: What age?

I learned thru reading the Your Sex Life section in Seventeen magazine. I was in about 4th grade when I started reading Seventeen. It was about the only good source I had for big issues like that.

What about everyone else?

I kind of learnt in two ways.

Through school, in year 6 and 7, we had "Family planning" [sex ed] and I went to 6 sessions of that [3 each year]

It was pretty good cuz we got to ask questions and they covered stuff about sex and puberty and pregnancy, but left some bits out.

Then Mum sat down with me and talked about what I knew and what I wanted to know. It wasn't really embarassing, it was good to be open about it :)

So yeah lol.

Uh, what age is appropriate to have sex?

I dunno, I guess it depends on when you're ready and the other person is ready :)

Learned the basics veeery early. x_x''

Well I guess when I was in about grade 2, I learned that sex existed and thats when all my friends started talkin' bout it and mentioning it in conversations. So thats when I learned the basics and that sex exists.

In grade 5 I started to learn what actually happens and learn the process of it all. Thats when I learned how long you're pregnant for, about abortion, etc.

I still don't think I know absolutely everything about it. I truly hope my class isn't deprived of sex ed this year, so I won't go to high school not knowing a thing.

^ I have sex ed next term! If you do not learn, I shall teach you xD

I learnt young too. Mum was up front about it. When I was 5 I asked and she put it in small words and I knew where I came from. Mum never did the 'We found you in a cabbage patch' thing, she certainly did not beat around the bush.

At school: sex ed. (The teacher went a little too detailed. o.0)

Parents: Dad tells me things I dont wanna know

TV: Homer simpson does it with marge all the time! (*barfs*)

Other: I figured on my own. (I'm a curious little kid)

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In 4th grade I learnt that sex existed.

In 5th grade I learnt "what happens in sex" from a friends lecture xD (erection)

And later on, probably in 6th grade, I read about the sperm and ova and how you have to have your period for it and stuff. =3

I knew what it was when I was in 1st Grade Dx

Well, I dun wanna explain what happened. It was by accident xDD

And I knew what exactly happened while having sex when I was in 3rd Grade.

It was quite freaky..

Curiosity kills, kids. xDD

Fffff!! The internet and Tv. I found out the day before kindergarten. Now I am in 4th grade. This sucks.Oh! And I learned aout the sperm this year and condoms. Dx

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I learned late from my mom. I think I was 12. :I

But I honestly never wondered where babies came from. xDD I never asked about stuff when I was young. I still don't. x3

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I learned the basics at school at a Young age (2-3rd grade). People would always mention it.

Then I started to learn the "deal real" in 5th - 6th grade, by people talking. In 5th grade My mom had the talk with me, but since I knew alot it wasn't really a big one XD

About grade 1, I learned like, it existed.

Grade 2, I learned from TV.

Then in grade 6, everything was like, clear because we learned sex ed.

I never learned from my parents. I think that they think it's awkward to talk about.

i voted other because i learned from my friend when i was 8!!

i know young!!

and i think a person should have sex when they feel its ready i did not realy understand the second quiston so i answered in both ways!!!

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