where do u know a tamagotchi is in stock?


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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2006
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hi everybody i wanted to know where to get my tama and to know if it is in stock?

surprisinly no where but from other owners maybe in some very few store if lucky

i got mine at a target. i called and they hung up :wacko: . but i went there and found some tamagatchi v3

I got my 2 weeks before on sunday, on saterday, my friend told me it was sold out :angry: Anyways they are sold out at where i live

Try Wal*Mart, that's where I got my tama. ^^ But I've gotten other tams from Toys R Us, too, so if you have no luck at Wal*Mart check there. Just keep looking everywhere for tamas and never give up!

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I was in Toys R Us yesterday, in Ricmond BC Canada, and they have lots. They just got in a new shipment. They are $17.99 Canadian dollars, about the same as $16 US. Some guys on Ebay are selling for $40 US ???

They had all the colours too. That is near Vancouver BC.

They are all sold out at Wal Mart

They are all sold out at Toys R Us

No more Tamagotchis :angry:

U should probably tell what area u live in so people living near u could give suggestions. :)

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