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HOW COME NOBODY ANSWERS ME ON THIS SITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :furawatchi:

geeezzz... your two posts were only made 3 minutes apart from each other. sometimes it takes some time for someone to answer. Anyway, since you don't have a toy r us anymore ( i don't either), these are the places i have gotton all my tamagotchis from.

1. walmart (they almost always have them)

2. kb toys (sometimes)

3. target (i have mot seen them there since Christmas [v2's i mean], but I'm sure they are at some targets)

alot of times they are sold out, though, because of how popular they are.

the internet also always has them, and i do think toys r us has a website that sells things there

i hope this helped you :furawatchi:

THANXX but i want one realy bad all my toys r us closed down

Try going to another to another store where they sell Tamas too.

Such as,Wal-mart.That's where my friend got hers from!

A lot of people answer on this site. Just be patient.

Since version 3 is new, a lot of stores dont carrie them yet.

Maybe you can find them on E-bay.

Walmart and Kmart are some stores that carrie them

No don't try E-bay Most of them are fake and the ones that are not cost a minimum of $25 ( 8 more then they cost in stores ) so try wal mart thats were im going tommrow to get mine.

No don't try E-bay Most of them are fake and the ones that are not cost a minimum of $25 ( 8 more then they cost in stores ) so try wal mart thats were im going tommrow to get mine.
Actully, Ebay carries a lot of things. Right?

Ebay is perfectly safe to buy a version 3!

You know a Tamagotchi when you see one. Ask someone if you would like to make sure.

I checked on eBay, there are loads from the USA and Hong Kong, all about $24. My daughter is desperate for a V3 but it costs a whack to ship one over to the UK.

I got my V3 from k-mart. Becasue there so gross most ppl don't go there ergo they have many.

you can get them at




-walgreens (though actually, i've never seen one there)

and several other places--just go to the more general stores AND the toy stores... sometime you'll find one. but as they're fairly new, VERY popular, Bandai is having trouble keeping up with the demand, and they aren't released in some places, it might be awhile. plus, a new wave of colors is supposed to come out in a month or two, so no place will be restocking. bandai might not even make teh old colors anymore.

(i got the info about the new colors coming out from several places--tamagotchi.com has the colors there, and some website--i forget which--has them on pre-order, they ship late march)

ebay can be perfectly safe if you go about it right, but only if you're megacareful, and it can get a bit expensive.

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