where to get a v5?


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Try going to Toys R Us. I'm sure they have it there.

If there arent any at Toys R Us, then you could always check eBay.

- Splotch

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I would try Target, or if you're online shopping, Amazon. My sister said Amazon had lower prices than eBay and everyone else.

Every time I go to Target for a tama, they always have it there. They didn't have my V5 one time, but the second time I looked for a V5 it was there. Target's the best way to go!

You can find a v5 at just about any electronic store. The Fry's near my house sells them, Target, Walmart, maybe even

Best Buy and Circuit City ? Toys 'R' Us definitely should have them. Good Luck and tell us all about it when you get one !

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