which are u?


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Oct 27, 2007
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i'm the daring 1. usually my friends r always giving me dares 2 c if i'd do them. :mellow:

I'm the total daring one! :D

My bff dared me to put a pizza on my head and show everybody at lunch, and I did!! :)

She put a gross egg yolk on bread, and put lettis on it with applesause, choco milk, rice, beans, cookie crumbs, and dared me to eat it and I did! :D

It's not like she's picking on me, it's just funny.

I'm the total daring one! :D
My bff dared me to put a pizza on my head and show everybody at lunch, and I did!! :)

She put a gross egg yolk on bread, and put lettis on it with applesause, choco milk, rice, beans, cookie crumbs, and dared me to eat it and I did! :D

It's not like she's picking on me, it's just funny.
You sound like my friend Maria. :] She always gives us a good laugh. Especailly at lunch.


I think that... well... I really don't have a word for me. I am almost always cheerful, and am creative and outgoing. I am always myself. As for my clothes... I wear a combo between punk and prep. Prunk?



You sound like my friend Maria. :] She always gives us a good laugh. Especailly at lunch.  

I think that... well... I really don't have a word for me. I am almost always cheerful, and am creative and outgoing. I am always myself. As for my clothes... I wear a combo between punk and prep. Prunk?


Dude you are just like me. ;]

No words can describe our breed. ^^

I guess i'm the random one that's shy at times, go crazy a lot and can yell really loud o.^ :D

I also am the one that smiles at everything :) and the kind hilarious person people go to advice for...

i dared my bff to go up to some stranger(boy) & say "ur hot", but she didn't. so she dared me to & i did. the only part that freaked me out was that the guy i went up to was, like 15, & he smiled and winked at me.

"that dude is so full of himself" my bff said to me. i answered back, "but he is hot", 'cause he seriously was.

"that dude is so full of himself" my bff said to me. i answered back, "but he is hot", 'cause he seriously was.
Wow that's pretty nice for you ;]

XD I don't know but I'm not really the described person XP

But a great word to describe me is bisexual XD

I think that part was disturbing O_O;; :)

i'm sometimes also the hyper kid. to almost every1 in my skool, i'm just known as 'weird girl'

I'm the total daring one! :D
My bff dared me to put a pizza on my head and show everybody at lunch, and I did!! :)

She put a gross egg yolk on bread, and put lettis on it with applesause, choco milk, rice, beans, cookie crumbs, and dared me to eat it and I did! :D

It's not like she's picking on me, it's just funny.
are you sure were not related? im just like that. i was dared use my apple as a pen holder. every one got a good laugh that dat. the apple also had a few bite out of it before it finished its duty.

We are the world best breed

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my bffs r totally afraid 2 ask a boy if they like them, so they tell me 2 do it. they kno i'm not afraid around boys. but they're always teasing me about it. :)

I am none of them. I get sick of people telling me that I'm emo.

....*is now in a bad mood*

Well lets just say...

'I'm an emo kid, non-conforming as can be

You'd be non-conforming too if

you looked just like me

I have paint on my nails and make-up on my face

I'm almost emo enough to start shaving my legs

'Cause I feel real deep when I'm dressing in drag

I call it freedom of expression,

most just call me a fag

'Cause our dudes look like chicks,

and our chicks look like dykes

'Cause emo is one step below transvestite!

Stop my breathing and slit my throat

I must be emo

I don't jump around when I go to shows

I must be emo

I'm dark, and sensitive with low self-esteem

The way I dress makes every day feel like Halloween

I have no real problems but I like to make believe

I stole my sister's mascara now

I'm grounded for a week.

Sulking and writing poetry are my hobbies

I can't get through a Hawthorne

Heights album without sobbing

Girls keep breaking up with me,

it's never any fun.

They say they already have a p***y,

they don't need another one

Stop my breathing and slit my throat

I must be emo

I don't jump around when I go to shows

I must be emo

Dye in my hair and polish on my toes

I must be emo

I play guitar and write suicide notes

I must be emo


Because I moved to a new town and now go to a new school, people have gone stereotypical on me because none of them know me personally. So they go by my looks. Right now, I'm the quiet goth girl.

I can't how many times somebody's asked if I ever talked, or told me I'm too quiet.

The only reason they call me goth is because I dyed my hair black.

Around my friends, it's different. I talk, take /most/ dares, and usually laugh a lot because of stupid stuff we end up doing or saying. xD

So the people at my new school are WRONG! HA. >:3

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