Which do you like better, TT or nonTT?


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I'm not old enough for nTT. (I admit, I have an account)

It's fun, but I just like TT better.


I don't think nonTT is a horrible web site at all ... but everyone has their own opinion :mellow:

There are fewer site rules on nonTT regarding appropriate behaviour and I agree that a lot of the topics are of an adult nature - that's why it's not open to everyone and that's probably why some (not all) children find it apalling :furawatchi:

I like both sites.

I don't compare them at all, because they are so different.

I do spend more time on TamaTalk - but I suppose that is comfortable familiarity as well :angry:

nonTT is a horrible website. I am appalled at the topics that are discussed on that website. I prefer TamaTalk.
I agree. Flame wars are much more common, I don't think it's a friendly site. But that's me.

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There are fewer site rules on nonTT regarding appropriate behaviour and I agree that a lot of the topics are of an adult nature - that's why it's not open to everyone and that's probably why some (not all) children find it apalling :furawatchi:
I don't mind that they discuss things that are of a bit more mature content, but we do a bit of that here on TT and don't turn anything into a "who can say the most bad words" or "who can be the most perverted" competition. >.<

That's why I don't like it. I don't like that rules aren't enforced on what is appropriate and what is not. I honestly don't care that they use bad words - I'm not trying to shelter myself from anything, because I know the real world is full of potty mouths. Although, I believe a rule should be enforced regarding how much is too much.

I remember I got banned from nonTT a little over a year ago because I was underage. I made a topic concerning the fact that everyone says so many bad words and that there should be a rule against it, and I got flamed and called a bunch of names, most of which cannot be repeated here. Then someone said that I was 11 and I got banned.

So the next day, I made another account and never told anyone it was me. I'm 13 now, so I can join, but because of that little incident and the rest of the content on the site, I choose not to go back on. And I agree with SK about peoples' attitudes.

So there's my opnion in three simple posts. xD

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