Which is better?


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Which Tamagotchi is better?

  • Tamagotchi Plus

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tamagotchi Connexion

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tamagotchi Connection(future)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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ill tell ya once i get my hands on all 3 ^_^

i reckon the UK one will be best ^_^

yeh im from UK too, thats why i say ours will be the best ^_^

The best? Right now you are just celebrating your U.K. pride......I was talking about which one do you think is best, not which country. >.>

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Lolz sorry! Though not too sorry coz you dont have to live here! ^_^

Actually I'd prefer not to live in the U.S. nor the U.K., the governments have conspiracies all over.

My Tamagotchi owns your Tamagotchi (it'd be sad if you started seeing bumper stickers like that... or "My Tamagotchi is an honor student at Tama Middle School" or something... hehe only dorks would do that... ^_^ ). Anyways, I think the Japan version would be best, because everything from Japan is better, but from the picture I've seen of the U.S. version, I think the American ones look nicer. All Tamagotchis are special in their own way... ^_^

yer, those american tamagotchis look well gud, they have a way cooler logo than the others, i dont like the way the japanese dont have the logo, but i from UK so i have to represent the UK tamas ^_^

U.S. do look awesome! I can't wait to get them all. Imma get like 2 or 3 Connexion just for a collection. And the only reason I'm getting so many Connection, is because they're only 15USD here(or will be) and that's very cheap and no shipping charge!!!!! ^_^ (then I will continue buying the Plus version from Japan! ^_^ )

^_^ .

i decided, im getin 2 plus , 2 connexion and 2 connection ^_^

how cool would it be if they made tamagotchi angel plus, and ocean + forest plus,

i think that wud be wel gud

can ya tell me what the difference is between connexion connection and plus? Im confused lolz!


connexion = UK

connection = USA

PLUS = Japan

Different designs.... different languages, and I'm convinced that the Japanese are better quality too(Everything always is...if it's not for export). And also, collectors like myself, like to get all of the different versions. U.K. is just a different language than the Plus, obviously. And just other differences. The reason U.K. and U.S. releases are and were so anticipated is because Europe and North America could get them in their language and for cheaper.

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