Which is your favourite Tama and Why?


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Apr 1, 2011
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So I was thinking about it today, and I know that a lot of people on this website have VAST collections of many tamas ranging from P1 to TamaGo, and a lot of rares as well. I think I once saw a collection with 50+ tamas in it, and I was like o__o omg. lol.

I was wondering, how do you choose which Tama is your favorite? Right now, these are the ones I own, oldest to newest:

- P1 White & Black

- V2 Lipstick & Kisses

- V3 Light Blue Bubbles

- V3 Starry Night

- V4.5 Peacock

- V4.5 Blue Marble

- V5 Familitchi White

I think out of all of them, my 4.5 Peacock is my favorite because the shell is just so pretty *____* plus it's the only one I've ever managed to get mimitchi on.

So which Tama is your favorite, if you were forced to pick one? And why?

funny ! this topic is like the one topic i posted entitled "tamagotchi of your dreams" (*share :) *) anyway , my favorite tama is my TAMASUKU(tamagotchi school)

and i dont know why i liked it so much . :D

funny ! this topic is like the one topic i posted entitled "tamagotchi of your dreams" (*share :) *) anyway , my favorite tama is my TAMASUKU(tamagotchi school)

and i dont know why i liked it so much . :D

funny ! this topic is like the one topic i posted entitled "tamagotchi of your dreams" (*share :) *) anyway , my favorite tama is my TAMASUKU(tamagotchi school)

and i dont know why i liked it so much . :D

So far my favorite is my v4.5 "Chocolate Argyle". Only because I've had it so long. Although I am slowly falling in love with the v5.

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