Which Name Do You Like?


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happi bunny

Well-known member
Dec 3, 2005
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Hey peoples!

I told my family that I hate my nickname (they call me Kelz), and, since they're so nice, they've agreed to give me a new nickname. But they can't decide what to call me, so they're going to leave the fate of my name up to you. They each chose a name, and that's what you get to vote on. :(

So vote for your favorite name! ^^ My real name is Kelsey Grace-Elizabeth, just so you know. :lol:


do they say kelz as i sounding like a z or do they say it like kels if they ake te z i say use the s it sounds better (my friends does that)

Kelsey Grace-Elizabeth is your whole first name?

Here's some of my ideas:

~ KGE (Nah, just kidding. It just reminded me of KFC! IDK why.. No offense..)

~ Lizabeth

~ Prettify it!- Kelsee; Gracey, or Gracie; Eliza (and since the Eliza in Elizabeth sounds like Alyssa, try having it like: Alyssa, Elisa, etc.)

Sorry, I'm bad at names! And if I had to pick out of the ones of your voting choices, it'd be Libby, or Kelly. :(

LOL, no, Kelsey is my first name, and Grace-Elizabeth is my middle name. :lol: Sorry if I confused you! ^^

I go by Kelly, now, just FYI. :(

Out of those, I like Libby the best.

Buuut, I also like the nickname Kels [pronounced like kel with a hissing sound at the end. Like S in sound.].

Thanks for replying! :)

My sister is looking over my shoulder... I think she wants you to vote for Libby, but don't be swayed by her pathetic bribes. :p


*smacks sister*

I like Kelly and Libby. I've always liked the name Kelly, and Libby has a certain ring to it.

Ah, good luck deciding! :D

*sings* Libby, Libby, Libby, Libby... lol

Thanks for voting! ^^

It looks like we have a three-way tie between Kelsey, Libby, and Lizzie. :D

Yeah, well, that's the thing. :(

Each of my family members has something different to call me, and those are the choices above. They refuse to call me anything else. :p

Thanks for replying, cluck cluck! ^^

LOL, puns are so awesome. :p

Thanks for voting!

Looks like Kelsey is winning... :(

i dont like any above. i like the name molly........... if i had to choose out of the ones above i whould choose kelly

Thanks for voting! ^^

I like Molly, too. :eek: But it wouldn't work for my nickname. :eek:

i think Kels sounds way cuter than kelz. Next after that i would pick Libby. That is just a pretty name.

my real name is emily. my friends call me Emily, Emma, Emi, Em.N.Em (like the m&m candy)

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