Which Version of Tamas are the best?


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May 3, 2009
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Eventually, I'd like to get a new version. I have the V3, and I have about four of them. After a while they've been getting repetitive, and I want something new. I absolutely love Tamas, but perhaps it's time for a different version.

I heard V4 is cool because of interviews and you can choose your job? Or something like that?

Anyways, if anyone could tell me what they like about each version, or if I should get a specific version and why, it would help my shopping quite a bit. =)


There is no "best" version, because everyone has their own personal preferences.

The v4.5 is pretty fun. There are a bunch of different characters and (in my opinion) the new games are a lot more enjoyable than v3's.

I've never had a v5 or v6, though, so I can't compare.

A v6 is intresting since your a music star and all. but I really love the v4 and v4.5. I recomend the v4.5 since it has jobs and newer characters and cooler jobs :(

i would recommend the ver 4.5 :D :angry: because it has awesome games and new jobs!! and the characters are so sweet! ^_^

I would also recommend the V4 or V4.5 of the connections. Of the vintage ones, that's a different story. "Best" is a matter of personal preference. :lol:

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I would also recommend the V4 or V4.5 of the connections. Of the vintage ones, that's a different story. "Best" is a matter of personal preference. ;)
I agree, the vintage ones are very different but I think you should choose a v4, v4.5, music star, or a vintage one! :D :D

I think Music Star and v4.5 are the best. I don't think you would like v5. Three characters at once are good, but you can't connect with any others except for v5, and it gets old fast.

I would also recommend the V4.5 because it has some really unique/cute characters and the games are easy and fun.

Some of the latest versions include the V5 Familitchi where you can raise a family. Some features include raising the bondage percent and the parents become whole new characters and stay with the family. The V5 has new games and new characters, though some don't like it because you have to focus on three tamas instead of just one on the screen. There's also the V5 Celebrity (V5.5) which is an updated version which has different games and characters than the V5.

There's also the V6 Music Star where you can raise a tama to be a music star. Your tama can play an instrument and has a favorite toy. When it's old enough it can form a band and your main goal is to get the band to be #1. This version also has new games and has jobs and skill points like the V4 and V4.5. However, a V6 recquires a lot of attention and can be needy sometimes. Also, the buttons are not very responsive and quite annoying. :D

Hope I helped! ;)

How many versions are out? I must have them all! Sorry I haven't played with them in years.

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