Which Virtual Pet


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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2008
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ok, i love virtual pets, buti want know your opinions on which is the best and worth the money... i've already ordered a v5 but i still want your opinions on it! Thanks!

I think that the V4.5 or a V5 are the best options. The V5's are awesome and lots of fun. Gives you more responsibility than the versions before because there are three characters to take care of.

Never heard of My Meebas, so I don't know what they're like.

they're a virtual pet where at the end (when you evolve into the final state) the tube pops open and you get the plushie of the animal. it's going to be a hit or miss thing i guess. i ordered one to test it out.......

I have a V3, V4, V4.5, Neopets, and Webkinz.

I would reccomend V5 { im getting mine today }

Neopets is okay. But after you complete all your goals on there it becomes boaring. And the stuffed animals, trading cards, ect. are lame.

Webkinz is lame. Its build for 5-7 maybe even 8 year olds. I personally do not like it! Its cool that you can buy items, groom your pet, build a house and all of that. But its not based for older people.

Hope this helped!

Hey! Why is there not a v1 in the list? Has everybody forgotten they exist? :D

I recomend a v5. they have the newest stuff for tamagotchi!

I thought neopets was free. neopets is fun, but eventually it gets a little boring. at least they bring up new stuff often!

when you get the my meeba post what its like. me and my sis want to get one but they seem a little, um, odd.


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