Who are your friends on TamaTalk?


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I have many friends and I will not name any because I do not want to hurt anyones feelings. All I will say is that tubbie is one of my friends from school. I do have MANY friends from TamaTalk too! :)


I can't count mine,heres some:


My friend Sharon(Don't know her user)








Aubrey Hubburn


TamaKitty501(one of my friends in school)

Memetchi Keeper

VioletetchiFan101(she doesn't post)

cutie601(Doesn't post either)

furawatchi Girl

Can't rememeber....

Oh ya!

NaturlBorn FigureSkater

Mimitchi Mametchi


Mysterous One


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my friends are CRAZYY*TAMA


kutchipatchi08007 well.... hes my friend... my friend from town

&hmm i dont like typeing im sooo sorry for any 1 i diidnt type in

and all my friends in the world is every 1!

Well... I have one very good friend here on the forums. Thanks, Tama_Girliey. :]



tamarach (Isn't on anymore...)




Oh and Zomg Yaecia xD

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Well... I have one very good friend here on the forums. Thanks, Tama_Girliey. :]
NEE >] xD

Mai friends on TT are...:

RachelGotchi (Who's more like a sister to me :]]])

Sweet Kandi


And like more but those are my best ones xD

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My bestest friend on TamaTalk is Warriorscats! She's really nice to me and she was the one who told me about TamaTalk! Thanks Warriorscats!!!!!!!!!! ^_^

Well, I wasn't listed on anyone's list **sigh** v-v Everyone, I guess, but my ::best:: friend is probably tamaheaven2! She's the only one who is really nice to me! ^_^ and Lyrical_Musicbox! So is latios9999, but I've never seen him/her be mean before, so... I guess I'm not really anyone's friend here... I don't have friends outside of TamaTalk anyways, so I'm used to it.


Ooooh i have some xD

TG's Bff's...xD

I LOVE EMINEM [[My bff Lyza]]

TamaGirliey[[meh best buddie and penpal]]

Wedgiesrock [[she be my lost sister]]

Ericofthetree [[he was my best cyber buddy *sniff* all of a sudden he dissapeared..BUT!!! he still remains to be one of my best buddies x)]]

Neji_girl_0929 [[i dunno if I got the numbers right, meh oh well..we talk alot xD]]

Ranma_Gal [[i barely met her but she's already one of my best friends]]

I have more but those are the top.

I used to be friends with dachdach, but he disappeared. He was my only friend on here.
I'm sure he wasn't your ONLY friend! Lots of people on TamaTalk are probably your friend! Like the guieds, and the Admin! Even I'll be your friend! ^_^

I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, so I'll just say everybody. :lol:
That's a lovely thought. :nazotchi: I didn't know if I wanted to mention anyone either, as some people got a little upset before if I forgot to mention them..... :lol:

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Hm. Friends, eh? I haven't gotten to know anyone to the point of considering them special friends yet -- My Mothra on my Mothragotch has been alive longer than I have been a member of this board, so I haven't really been around too long. :nazotchi: Maybe in the future I'll have people to list here.

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my friends are CRAZYY*TAMA&

kutchipatchi08007 well.... hes my friend... my friend from town

&hmm i dont like typeing im sooo sorry for any 1 i diidnt type in

and all my friends in the world is every 1!
yay i was first :p

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