Who dislikes the v4-v5 tamas?


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I HAVE A V3 V4 V4.5 AND A V5 I CANT BELIEVE THAT A TAMAGOTCHI V5 DOSE NOT HAVE A PAUSE BUTTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tamaqueen909, there is a pause function on the v5. It is the travel show. Go to the Gotchi TV icon (third icon on the bottom row) and choose the travel show. Then choose "GO!" and your Tamagotchi will go on holiday!

And you do not need to post in ALL CAPS to get your point across. You also do not need to post so many exclamation marks.

I HAVE A V3 V4 V4.5 AND A V5 I CANT BELIEVE THAT A TAMAGOTCHI V5 DOSE NOT HAVE A PAUSE BUTTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No Tama (That I know of) has an actual "pause button". It's just 2 buttons held down. And just a reminder of the box above the message window:

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The message that you posted (in my opinion) was more of an immature tantrum. Sorry if I seem rude or mean, but it is true.

Anyways on with my real post.

V.1: I think it's just too simple... Not alot of characters... Required more care compared to the newer versions though... 6/10

V.2: Still simple, but I think at this point they added GP, shops, and codes? It's kinda nice. 7/10

V.3: This is still simple, but more characters, games, and other stuff. Alot of my friends had them! It was really fun... 8/10

V.4/V.4.5: The jobs are really kind of stressful to get, plus you don't get paid alot every time your paid for doing jobs. Also I don't really like the skill points.. Never liked them to begin with. 4/10

V.5: To me it requires alot less care... I still really like this version and is my overall favourite... 9/10

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