Who has a really annoying teacher?


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Well-known member
Oct 7, 2006
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Usually on the computer
Well ok it was in the afternoon, we were doing some French and the teacher said "Ok we're only to speak French now" and she started saying all this complicated French stuff no one could understand then a boy shouted out "I don't speak French!!" you'd think the teacher would just say "Be quiet!" but instead she shouted her head off at all of us and if that wasn't bad enough she cancled ICT (computer lessons, really fun) and we had to copy a page of Space travel from a science book into our school books just because some one shouted out.

Has any teacher been bad to you?

Teachers really demand respect they don't earn ;)

I HATE MRS. NEWELL. She is a wicked old hag who screams over nothing. her voice sounds like a parrot. One time i couldn't find my lunchbox because someone moved it and she called me "ADD". SHE IS A #$%^!!!

Yeah my music teacher's annoying too, she makes us sing "Any dream will do" (if you're American you might not know about that but it's just like this slightly opera song with girls repeating everything in the background)

Let's see.... Mrs. Flint (can't believe she's married) is old and mean. For just kicking a garbage can, she sent everyone to the wall that was looking at it. She's fat and has no ida how to be a lunch aid and yells at everyone. Thank goodness I've never gotten in trouble. >.<


I have a lot of teachers i dont like but the weirdest teacher i know is Mrs.Wood

If you sneeze in her class she'll yell "SANATISER" (sp?) and if you do a stitch wrong shell yell at you and make you do it all over agin >.>

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once we had a sub that would not shut up and choked kids

Yeah my music teacher's annoying too, she makes us sing "Any dream will do" (if you're American you might not know about that but it's just like this slightly opera song with girls repeating everything in the background)
Oh, I know that song. At dancing the teacher made up a dance to it and we had to do it. The part where it goes, "I wore my coat" we did an action that's more like jumping on the coat!

My teachers this year haven't been as annoying as anyone else's here by the sounds of things. Probably the most annoying though must be Mr. Murray. He always makes us listen to the Irish prank call. The first few times you listen to that it's funny, but now it isn't.

"Can you puh-leaaaaaaaaaaaaase demolish my school? And make sure all the teachers are in the building when you knock it down! Everyone hates them, they give us homework on Fridays!"

And he usually doesn't let people go to the toilet either. Once I overheard him say to a student teacher, "I love seeing kids bust!"

Well, none of my teachers are annoying really.

Thats probaly because I never pay attention in class and get straight A's. They must be to outstanded to annoy me.

Other people? Yes. A lot of kids in my school hate our music teacher but I think he's awesome!

When i was in kindy the teacher shouted at you if you took off a jumper or something.... :p

Once there was a thunderstorm and he went home :eek: , leaving the class hiding under the tables :p we were all scared of thunderstorms :lol: (we were only in kindy).He only left us for like,10 minutes, but for us it was like hours! :p When the kindy teacher came back and turned on the light, it was a mess in the classroom!One kid had puked :D , his cup was on the floor, SMASHED to pieces...... :angry: He got us all in trouble and we had to stay in at lunch......Well it was his fault to go home and leave the class ,so why should we get in trouble? Well it was awful! :angry:

The following years of school, the teachers were alright........ ;)

My teacher from year 6 made us stay in for most of lunch because someone made a noise

Gym Teacher


Someone Spits On Her Car, She Said She Was Getting DNA Testing And WhoEver Got Caught Had To Pay 1000 Dollars, Thank God She Was

Lying! I Was Scared Because I Have A Habit Of Spitting

She Screams And Talks Like A Goat Near Death

If Anyone Fonds This Offenseive Sorry, Please Excuse My Language! ---v

Me: The Gym Teachers A (b Word)

Some Dude: Shes A ( P Word The Scientific Word For A Girl Who Does "Stuff" For money)

No one can stand the Pre-Algebra teacher, Mr. MechMech. Why you ask? He demands EVERYONE to be quite even when we are supposed to be working in groups!

Here is a example:

Ok Diamond, you see when you take the fraction and-

Teacher: SH!

e.e Well we are supposed to HELP each other

Teacher: SH! Shhh. SH!

It really gets irritating. He remins me of my 5th grade teacher Mrs. Duffy, cept she would Hush kids for NOTHING.

I don't get it, he put us in groups to talk out our Math problems >.< Everyone I know practically wants him dead.

Also no one can stand the reading Teacher. She thinks she is so nice when she AIN'T, the only thing we like of her is the way she reads Books XD She read Stargirl today, the way she acted was hilarious. But otherwise, she won't allow us to lend each other pens. She makes 5 people read in my class because they dun have 3 books read and Annotated. I am one of those people >_> A few classes ago because the class was talking in the hallways BEFORE class we had to take everything in class and walk around the hallways like 4 times until everyone stopped talking. I swear I almost dropped the full load because of the weight. She dun care.

But the other teachers are cool I guess.

My math teacher... UGH. Although, she likes me- I think I heard her saying I was "so cute" to this other teacher. x.x

listn to this! i got put to the side for sying sorry to my pal (we bumped heads) and she said explain and i started telling her then she said be quiet and gave me detention!!!! Whats the point!

ATF :rolleyes:

Language arts at the fullest! SHE IS PURE EBIL

I forgot my red pen, Conduct (Sort of like a warning but you rparents have to sign it and it takes points off you grade.)

My red pen ran out, Conduct

I accidentally skipped over an assignment because she was o lazy to pront them out and we had to write them (XD) and she gave me a conduct! I had half f that assinment done! I was like 'O.O'

My Scince and Social studies teacher is nice, he gives out candy, and red pens XD

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