who has photografhic memory


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i know one i forgot my maths book we were going maths all day and we were on the same page in the maths book and i forgot my maths book and i just remembered the qs so i did not get in trouble few

I wish I had it. :) Then I would remember every word from reading-homework. Although I have a good memory so I remember the most of it but it would be handy though. ^^

I kind of do. I can remember where things are really easily. If I see it a certain place once, I'll remember where it was for a long time. I still remember where a bunch of the crap in my old room was XD I haven't lived in that room for about 3 years now lol

I do it's not too good yet but i expect when i become 18 ish it will work really good!

Me? Not really, but I still remember when I was 1 and can pretty much recite an entire episode of Family Guy o_O

Here's one: My parents once kept on putting stuff off and after 4 years, I asked, when are we going to get this?

My parents were like 0__________________0

I guess you can say I have it.

Nope. Bad memory here. Well I can remember being born.. But not much after that.


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