Who here hates spoiled brats?


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I don't hate people but it ticks me off when I see people act so materialistic.

*removed* ( back on topic) Sometimes its not their fault.

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..There are people I know who get spoiled. How they act at home with their parents is how they act at school. [Although they tend to be teacher's pets..] They do get on my nerves.

--Girly girls don't tend to bug me as much. Because while they talk about boys and make-up [*Reffering to girls at my school*], I can walk away and do something that's worth my time.

I handle it when they judge me.. Or ask if I like a boy, and little crap like that..--

I do have a friend who has a huge house, her parents buy her nice things, and even spend over one-hundred dollars on getting her hair done... But she is really cool.. She is girly, likes to talk about boys, but around my friends and me she can relax and we can talk about stuff we're all into..

I loath them. My uncle is pretty weird and he's always think of random things to say like,in a movie where it's like really quiet,he'll just say out of nowhere"Might I add,EAT my shorts!" and one of his lines is "Kill some sense into 'em!" That's what i think when I meet a spoiled brat but I never say anything out of my sickening sweetness.*grr*

Uh, thanks for bumping the topic up by saying you like cheese... o.o;

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Yeah, bumping the topic to say you like cheese.. o.o But I think it was a poll vote that bumped it..

But since the topics in the air, might as well reply.

I don't really like them all that much, but some of them can really be very nice, but their parents buy them things left and right.

I'm a daddies girl, I'm not spoiled. So I have no idea what your talking about when you said that, Camelle..


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Oh- sorry! It occured to me after I posted that someone could have poll-bumped it.

...Gosh! LOL! Check out this one! She is worse!
I lol'd so hard at the host. :huh:

When I was a kid, my parents got divorced (when I was 2 or 3) and I was with my mom who couldn't afford much for me and my dad could afford even less... My mom got remarried when I was about 8 and had my brother about a year later and then my sister a year after that...

Both my siblings get a lot of stuff (thanks to my step-dad) and are involved in sports, etc., when my mom wouldn't support me being in anything (even when she could afford it)... It makes me mad how spoiled my siblings are, especially since I didn't get the same opportunities as they do.

Spoiled brats can be annoying, but the fault lies in the parent for spoiling the kid in the first place. So if you're going to hate someone, hate the parent.

Personally, I don't loathe or hate them, I just find them a little annoying and am reminded of the times I used to cry when I failed to get something I wanted. :huh:

Oh gosh, they annoy me to no end.

In fact, I loathe them. Beyond loathe them, sicne my school has quite a few of 'em, I deal with them on a daily basis, they think you have everything they have, they throw tantrums over toys.... they'll go crazy to get what they want. *sigh*

Oh- sorry! It occured to me after I posted that someone could have poll-bumped it.
Thats what I think happend. And it wasnt SPAM! One of the Poll options was "I like cheese" so I put "I like cheese" because that is what I voted (It was on the first page before I vote so someone else had to poll bump it.

:) ;) well i dont HATE then but i am fed up wit theM( i just think there is a little good in everyone and that they COULD change, but other than that... :kuribotchi: :furawatchi: :hitodetchi: ITS SO ANOYING!!!! when girls like that make a smerk coment about me, i just say somthing like, " yeah sure what ever" very fast and with a muttering voice.and then ask them somthing eles, or i say " O...K?" and somtimes if they are really mean to me i be like a sycietrest and, ask them Y they said it. I keep asking them Y and what the REAL reson they said that and by the end they usualy get confused and walk away :pochitchi: :mametchi:
My friend is spoiled...she has a WII, a DS, a GAMECUBE, a PS2, and PS3, a computer in her room, a TV in her room, 3 bunnies...
1st bunny: she purposely let run away!

2nd bunny: she forgot about it and let it run away

3rd bunny: she PURPOSLEY LET RUN AWAY!

She now has a Dog and a bazillion fish.

She has her own home theather, wide screen, a TV that you can play the internet on, a pokemon gamecube "cover" (gale of the darkness) a bazillion video games, a jacuzi tub, a cloest in her bathroom with the jacuzi tub, two sinks in one bathroom, bungles of CDS, and if she wanted, her parents would buy her a 100 tamagotchis if she wanted.

mametchi :rolleyes:

Did I mention she's on her 8th house?
oh...and i forgot:

she has her own bathroom.

she has her own gameboy advance SP

she has a million gold and rubies.

:rolleyes: :) well i dont HATE then but i am fed up wit theM( i just think there is a little good in everyone and that they COULD change, but other than that... :) :angry: :angry: ITS SO ANOYING!!!! when girls like that make a smerk coment about me, i just say somthing like, " yeah sure what ever" very fast and with a muttering voice.and then ask them somthing eles, or i say " O...K?" and somtimes if they are really mean to me i be like a sycietrest and, ask them Y they said it. I keep asking them Y and what the REAL reson they said that and by the end they usualy get confused and walk away :p :p
yeah...im fed up with a lying girl that has 9 webkinz. (maybe 11?)

Well I dislike them,but that doesn't mean that I will yell at them and call them names.Even If they are annoying, I will still respect them and be friendly to them :rolleyes: .

And no,I'm not spoiled,but my dad takes VERY good care of me,and gives me what I really want.


He paid my membership for Club Penguin.

When I need money,he gives me.

When I've lost my English textbook last year,he immediately bought it again.

And he always bring me expensive clothes and stuff when he's abroad.


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Um.. Hi. I'm a 'Daddy's little girl' and I'm a spoiled devil. I'd suggest staying THE F*** AWAY FROM ME WITH PINK. I HATE it. Your poll is stereotypical. People aren't really like that, sure I throw tantruns, hurt people older than me, Cry fake tears for stuff, but I DO NOT like girly things. Come near me with pink, prepare to get the punching of your lifetime.
Come near me with pink.. and I WILL DRINK YOUR BLOOD XD!!!

I cry fake tears cause it looks cool afterwards.

I don't like anything enough to become bratty.

Unless hating too much is a bratty problem.

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