Who likes GUINEA PIGS?


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who likes guinea pigs?!!!

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Guinea Pig Lover

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2007
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I love guinea pigs, as you can probably see by my avatar and username! I've got 2! One called mixie and another called millie!

Do you like cavies/guinea pigs? (hamsters, gerbils, etc do not count as guinea pigs!)


I love guinea pigs... They're very cute.

I don't have any though. And don't really plan to get any for a long while.

My friends' friend has heaps of them though.

I LOVE guinea pigs!!! My friend blue_husky has 2!!! She used to have three but Sandy(girl/sister) died. Patche(boy/brother) and Sequines(girl/mother). They are all a family!!!


i dont have any... :D

if i did get one its name would be Tiger!! lol :huh:

I like Guinea pigs X3

I was going to get one, but then I remembered how bad most animals like that smell.

I've had hamsters, mice, and bunnies and they all reeked x.x The smell alone has made me decide to not get any kind of rodent as a pet again.

They are cute though ^.^

They are cute and all but I don't really care for how timid they are so I won't be getting one.

I love them, too. I have 2 very sweet boys that live together named Bilbo and Samwise(Sammy). I have another boy, Frodo, that lives on his own because he is very aggressive to other pigs. I may be getting a 4th piggy who is a Peruvian(longhaired) type to live with the two boys, because they seem happiest when there is more than 1 or 2 living together, and they have a gigantic cage.

My Mom is a cavy fan too, and she has two of them, both females. One is several years old and is named Franny, the other is young and named Polly. They are very friendly, but Franny isn't very smart. :)


guinea pigs are not smelly, if you bath them right they can be really good pets!

I've got two at the moment. Mixie (she's a cross breed) and Millie (she's a rex)!!!!!!

They both compete in shows. Mixie competes in the PET section and Millie in the REX section.

Here are the awards I've won after only 1 show!

Me: Runner up Best Junior Handler

Millie: Runner up best rex

Mixie: Runner up best fancy dressed and best baby!

you should have seen mixie in her micky mouse costume! The judges were laughing (in a good way) and they couldn't decide between Mixie or another guinea pig that was dressed as a fairy (Ehhh) and a whole heap of yellow flowers everywhere. GUESS WHAT!! The thing wasn't even wearing the fairy costume! It was only draped around it! I call that cheating! Mixie was actually wearing it! Hat, bow-tie, tail, and all!

Maybe I should stop complianing!

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Speaking of smelliness, I assumed that boys would would be very stinky and I would have to keep them downstairs, but mine seriously don't smell at all. I use Carefresh Ultra bedding, not just regular Carefresh(it smells like mold after a day or two), and change it once a week. It seriously does an amazing job at reducing odor, you can't even smell my pigs!

I also purchased a raspberry-scented shampoo designed for Guinea Pigs to keep their coats clean and healthy. Being boys it's kind of funny, but they smell lovely! :)

Guinea Pig Lover, how frequently do you bathe your cavies? What shampoo do you use? What bedding? B)

I don't care for guinea pigs. They're hypocritical and idealistic, demanding to be treated with the respect of a large animal but cared for entirely like a small one... They get upset at the world when things aren't going perfectly their way...

They're little forum trolls...

RainShomet, how could you hate gps? theyre not smelly and do not require much space at all and they are very caring. They are even smart enough to be toilet trained!

Aubrey Hepburn, I bath my guinea pigs once a month in warm water using small animal shampoo. I use un treated pine shavings as bedding. U will need to clean it every couple of days to keep it smelling fresh they tend to nibble on the shavings, so don't use straw. Back when i used straw, 1 baby gp choked and died. what was worse was thet he died on my brothers 7 or 8 birthday.

Well, I really gotta go........

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I don't care for guinea pigs. They're hypocritical and idealistic, demanding to be treated with the respect of a large animal but cared for entirely like a small one... They get upset at the world when things aren't going perfectly their way...They're little forum trolls...
Aw, guinea pigs rock!

They're so sweet, and lovely. :huh:

And they don't get upset at the world. They're laid back, and lovely! :angry: (No offense)

There soooooooo cute!

i have 1 and its just soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!

way toooooooooooooooooooo cute!

i just cant stand it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My hamster does that too!!! OMG!!! I hate it. When I try to pet him or take him out he bites. If you stick your finger in between the cage bars, he'll charge up to it and bite so hard you bleed forever!!!

Evil Melon!!! (his name is Melon :mimitchi: )



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My hamster is called Cracker! :mimitchi:

They say in all the books, offer the hamster your palm, with some food, but he still nips you! :mametchi:

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