Who's that tama with the hat?


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Jan 20, 2008
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I was connecting my v4.5 with my v4 and instead of my regular tama visiting him, some random tama with a hat comes. Who is he, and where'd MY tama go??

A Tama with a hat? :eek: Hmm...that is very strange. The only Tama's with hats that I know of is the Nazotchi, or the Mail Delivery Tamagotchi. This is him: ;)

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Not all the characters in the V4 are in the V4.5, and vise versa.

Why the guy in a hat? When a tamagotchi comes across a character it does not recognize, it goes: "Oh noes...I think I will replace this with a dude in a hat! Yay! Everything is solved!" ;)

Seriously, the reason for the guy in the hat (Nazotchi) is because Nazotchi is a mysterious secret character. And because the machine does not know what the character from the other version it is...mysterious.

Hope I helped!

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