Why can't you turn tamas off?


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Dolphin Girl

Well-known member
Nov 23, 2010
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Being unable to turn tamas off is ideal for an addictive toy. Addictive means you always want to do something and can't stop doing it, like a habit. Bandai wants tamas to be addictive because if people really like tamas and always need to play tamas, when their tama breaks, gets lost etc, they will get a new one and that's double money for Bandai. That answer is not mine, my parents told me it when I aaked them.

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Though this is true, I also feel that an "ON/OFF" feature was not included due to the fact that the Tamagotchi is supposed to be a pet simulator. Just as one cannot turn a real, live pet such as a cat or dog ON and OFF as one desires, one cannot do that to a Tamagotchi. I believe that this option was excluded to enhance the realism of the toy and to create a sense of responsibility for it's welfare, just as one might feel responsible for the welfare of a live animal.


I do like Marie's answer in that a Tamagotchi is supposed to kind of model after real-life circumstances. :) All that aside though, sure, there isn't an on/off switch in the sense that we all think, but if you need to take a break from Tamagotchis for a while, you can just pause, place the battery tab back in, or if it's a Connection, just take the battery out and use the download feature the next time you'd like to start up your Tamagotchi again.

Well. Maybe the folks at BanDai wanted to take a more realistic approach to the whole "virtual pets" business.

Don't you think it's awesome that your Tamagotchi lives, and needs to be taken care of like a real pet, rather than something more "toy" like that can be turned off any old time you wanted to?

I guess it's kinda surprising when you realize they don't come with an Off feature, but it's just another thing you get used to. :]

I wouldn't say battery life is an issue either since they last three to six months. But if you really want an Off feature... use the Pause function.

( Plus some people don't like to view them as "toys" but more like real pets or friends. :) )

It would be pointless. Your Tamagotchi would never grow if you just turned it off while not playing games with it. It would at that point stop being a virtual pet - and would be just a simple electronic game instead.

I think that having an on/off button would just take away the essence of Tamagotchi and defeat the whole purpose of having a virtual pet. I understand people get busy and all, but I guess that's why there's a pause function or battery tab. :)

It would take away the point of Tamagotchi. It wouldn't be like raising your own pet.
Well it isn't anyway is it? I kinda agree but my parents say "Bandai wants to make money; not make us happy" and i always listen to the advice of adults. So yes it would but plenty of reviews say that the fun in tamagotchis is totally spoilt because they just beep through the day or run out of batteries really quickly. honestly it is annnoying, especially since you can't pause certain tamas (eg. Tamagotchi Plus Color).

Well it isn't anyway is it? I kinda agree but my parents say "Bandai wants to make money; not make us happy" and i always listen to the advice of adults. So yes it would but plenty of reviews say that the fun in tamagotchis is totally spoilt because they just beep through the day or run out of batteries really quickly. honestly it is annnoying, especially since you can't pause certain tamas (eg. Tamagotchi Plus Color).
For Tamagotchis you can't pause, you use the good ol' trick of leaving them in the clock set mode. :)

I say a good battery will last you 'bout a couple of months, unless it's for a really power-hungry TMGC+C or an iD ( the color pixels eat up quite a lot of battery power compared to the ordinary black pixels ).

I think many of us run on real tight schedules, which is why we like to pause them or sneak our Tamas to school / work when we can ( and trying to avoid angry teachers or bosses from finding out :D ).

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