Why do you have them?


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I'd say both. I take them seriously when I need to care for them, or keep them healthy etc, but I also use them for fun, like I love to watch movies with it next to me, and I love taking my Tama to malls, stores, restaurants, the car, and if we ever go out of town. The only place I don't take my Tama is at school.

Tamagotchis to me aren't just a little battery powered pixel moving around. To me, I feel like it's my favourite pet, and my best friend. It's also a reward when you get to the next generation and all. I'm on my second generation on my V.3 and I'm just about to start the third generation. :eek:

tamagotchis just make u love them once u have them.they just make u feel happy when u look at them.i looooooooooooove them.gooooooooooooooooooo tamagotchis :eek: :eek:

when it comes to my tamagotchi,im relly dumn serious because i love it way to much.but also when i play with it its fun.so i think i have him to teach me responsibility and also 2 have fun with the cute liitle egg.ps:my tamagotchi is right next 2 me.

Tama love 1275

i'm feeling it's sorta both.

it's fun because it's like a little person.

at times, it can be your 'baby'.

at other times, it's more like a friend. :eek:

(sorry if that sounded a bit creepy/overrobsessive! :eek: )

It can be serious when you're trying to get the most out of it and make it a perfect tama by raising up bonding to 100%, getting secret characters, raising all of it's skill points to 999, making it rich, etc.

Vpets in general make me feel less lonesome- something that's always there for me... I got my first ever Tamagotchi at age 16- three days ago! Kinda crazy, but yeah. Tamagotchis are nothing like vpets! There more of a virtual best freind! I'll never be lonely again so long as I have a battery! XD

i dont take them too seriously but i like to care for them well etc. but im not freaky about my tam, definitely not.

i do love him though and see hima s a little more than pixels.

i totally feel that its like being a parent because every character has a different personality so if it was sneaky or kind or mean it according to ur parenty. i love my tamagotchis and i dont know what will happen 2 me if i didnt have them with me for eve one day.

love TAMA LOVE 1275

My tamagotchis are seriosly my bestest friends. They're also my little angels. I feel like crying (and sometimes do) when my tama dies just cause I was being irresponsible by leaving it somewhere. I really do love them. :hitodetchi:

I wanted to know you guys view on the little v-pets we know as "tamas". Do you take them on as a serious pet and dedication? Or do you do it for fun? One time I read this article type thing that this man wrote about his obssesion with mimitchis, and I found it rather odd. He sounded worse than us crazy tama-talkers. It almost sounded like he was in..... an actual RELATIONSHIP with the tams. <_< It was kind of scary.

Anyway, opinions. How do you view tamas? Why do you have them? My friends got me into mine when I was about...... 11. I think they are mostly for fun, espescially to connect with your friends and add onto generations. I've also always wanted my dog to have puppies, but we got her fixed D: So when I found out tams could have babies, I was uber excited :D I've always tried to work on getting my generations up, and devastated when a high-generation tam died on accident. I dont just see them as TOYS, because they do seem almost alive, in a way. Tamas are magical :D (LIKE ME! jk) They are by far the best vpet EVER.

So, how do YOU see them?
I have read that article, and I do not find it freaky at all. i find it interesting. It shows hoe he loved and took care of his tamas. I do it for fun, but also it makes me feel important that I am raising something.

I've had Tamagotchis, Giga Pets, and others since the first grade. I love caring for animals and people, so they were the perfect games for me. I think they are very fun indeed! I'm preparing to graduate high school, and I still play them. I guess trends just don't go out of style for me. :(

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