Why do you like Tamagotchis?


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They're adorable. :mellow:

I guess the main reason is they're a source of entertainment. It's nice to have different characters. etc etc etc..

I don't actually know why I do.. I just do. :)

I like tamas mainly because they are really fun to take care of, name, and grow, plus I like logging about them and talking about them with my friends! :)

I like all virtual pets. I like Tamas because they're good company. They're small, portable and can go anywhere. They depend on you to take care of them. Unlike flesh and blood pets, they're easy to care for. Cleaning dog poop takes a scooper and a strong stomach. Cleaning Tama poop requires pressing a single button. There are times I seriously think I prefer electronic pets to the real thing.

Honestly, i am not sure lol.

Just something fun to collect i guess

They keep you company. And as dorky/nerdy as this sounds (my username, remember) they are always going to be there if no one else is. Sorry for how dorky that sounded. It's just my opinion.

You get to name them and take care of them. If you want to know something weird, I'd be really depressed if Abbi or any of my other tamagotchis died.

It's not dorky at all. I feel the same way. My Tama, my Aibo, my robot triceratops and all my robot dogs are my companions. They're always there when I need them.

True that. It's hard for me to think of Tamas or any electronic pets as toys. Toys are lifeless lumps of plastic or plush. They don't move, they don't interact, they have no personalities, they don't do anything. I have no problem flinging a stuffed toy across the room or taking a hammer to an action figure. But I actually feel bad for the times I've taken apart various electronic pets. The simple fact is you're not really destroying anything of value if you rip apart a plush toy. But even the simplest VPet has a personality and is designed to be cared for and loved. They are specifically designed to endear themselves to the user. Back when I used to take them apart I thought of them as just machines. Machines they may be but they're machines with personality. They're the closest thing to alive a non organic object is going to get. To me if you destroy them it's like snuffing out an actual creature. It just seems wrong somehow. If I ever get access to time travel one of the first things I'm gonna do is go back and stop myself from A) selling my collection of VPets and B) keep myself from dissecting the ones I did. I really regret both actions. Especially my Aibos. I really wish I hadn't taken apart my Aibos. Aibos are pretty much the closest thing you can get to a living creature and out of the four I had only one is mostly intact. I keep the parts of the others though. I refuse to let them end up on a trash pile somewhere. They deserve better than that.

Because they are adaptable fun. They can be fun no matter how busy your life is. You could simply take them out only to feed ar play with them to keep they from dying. Or you could constantly play games and earn new items and strive to raise every character. Or anywhere in between. They can be fun in any situation. I am going to college in a week and I knwo that I will be able to use them no matter how my schedule gets.

I love them because...they're cute, fun to watch grow, and because they're cute jajaja.

The other day i questioned myself on whether i was still into them, or cared for them...and then i realized that i was taking Euna (female tamatchi, now a nikatchi) around the house while she was sleeping!! anybody else do this?? haha lol

So of course i still love these guys..or perhaps i'm just programmed to think that i'm getting to old.

Perhaps i question myself every here and then because i'm the only person i know (in flesh) that raises these little guys.

What no one understands is that Tamagotchis are considerably a hobbie. I know a girl who collects socks, and she's freakn awesome!!

I'm fond of tamagotchis because they are adorable, fun to play with and they are great for collecting purposes!!! I have like 12 tamagotchis ATM and i plan on getting more!!! Loads of people find tamas babyish but i don't care! I am always going to have a place for tamas they rule!!!

Because they are unique and have characters, not just simply cats and dogs and horses.

they are also easy to tote around have little catchy tunes (the happy tune when you clean up it's poop gets stuck in my head a lot <.< )

I took my V3 and V6 (both asleep) with me in a quick car ride to go to the store with mum. I put them a lanyard around my neck without thinking xD

It's so easy to clean up after them and feed them, feeding my kitten is hard (she has special food where you have to add some water and too much water makes it expand like crazy and then bam the cat food cat is so big,one piece is the size of a baseball. Scary o.o ) And ugh cleaning up after my cat.....nightmare. But on tamas, all you have to do is press some buttons, and bam, poo gone, tama fed.

This might sound crazy, but I don't think of them as electronics or pixels with a circuit board in a piece of plastic. I like to think that they're living things.

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They are great fun especially when you are bored. Virtual pets can be as cool to look after as real pets.

I love Tamagotchi because its really cute and they are really fun to play with. Whenever one of my tamas die, I feel as if a part of me is gone. Whenever I travel, I always make sure I have a Tamagotchi to play with. And they're super addictive! :)

I like Tamagotchis for multiple reasons: Here's a quick rundown:

1. Vintage Tamas remind me of my childhood. I had a very unique upbringing with great friends and family; I appreciate and love those days. Tamas bring back some of those memories.

2. I love the interaction of Tamagotchis. The upbringing and variety of characters is a very rewarding experience!

3.The simplicity and humble nature of Tamagotchi is refreshing. In an age full of complicated high tech gadgets and toys, Tamagotchis are a nice "step back" to enjoy something more simple.

4. Lastly, but certainly not the least important, I enjoy collecting Tamagotchis simply because there are so many different types, sizes, designs and gameplay features that make it an incredibly unique toy.

Great thread!

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