Why Do You Play With Tamagotchi's? :o


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Well-known member
May 2, 2007
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How did you find out about tamagotchi's and why are you still playing them? I'm Still playing with my tamagotchi because it makes me feel like I have a responsibility- more than usual :]]

And I found out about tamagotchi's when I was around 12yrs old.. Was kinda sad I didn't hear about them sooner. But I learned about tama's by watching a commercial about them! YAY! Commercials actually did something right! haha

I heard about them when I was twelve too, and the V1 came out. I didn't know about them until that Summer at summer camp, when my friend brought hers and had them all on a keychain. I thought they were the coolest things, so, since my birthday is in summer, I asked for them, and only them.


I ended up getting like, twenty different tamagotchies, and gave some to my friends (because there was NO way I'd use ALL of them), so we could all connect and share tama stories. After that summer, we sort of forgot about them.


Just last year I found this site, and I missed my tamas. Went out and bought the V3 (I was amazed at how many new versions there were, and still play it to this day. =)


I play with them because it reminds me of that summer. It was a good, really good summer. Also, it's something discreet from my childhood that I can sort of still hold on since it's really acceptable throughout any age. I keep mine on my car keys, and every now and then I'd get asked about it and the person who asks would say something like "Oh! I remember those!". It's a good conversational piece, plus, something to keep me occupied when I'm waiting for something or bored.

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I herd about them when i was 8. My mom was taking me to the store and she bought one for me. :(

I play with mine because they cure loneliness. :)

I don't have any siblings, so I'm alone a lot of the time with nothing but my Tamagotchis. They keep me company. :(

When I was 10, my cousin had another virtual pet. I decided to go for the one she had, but instead found Tamagotchi~ xD A failed copycat attempt, but no regrets! I love Tamagotchis now. :(

Then, around 2006 I found out about TamaTalk. :D

Because I enjoy playing with them? X3

I just like keychain virtual pets. Bandai's are probably the most fun of them all.

My best friend got me my V3 a long time ago. I knew NOTHING about tamas then.

It all started in the summer of '98 when I was 11. My first Tamagotchi was a transparent yellow with black buttons P2. I've been hooked on and off ever since and was bitten hard by the Tamagotchi bug in 2007. ;) Ever since then, my collection has grown dramatically. I play with them because they remind me of simpler times. They're fun to take care of and to have as a sort of companion.

When I was in 4th grade which was about 3 years ago. When the v4 was out P: So i got a v4 since all my friends had them. They were all the rage at my school xD but a year later no one had them besides a couple of people. Since then I have loved tamagotchis <33

I play with them mostly because I'm bored. And I love having that responsibility over them.

I heard about them when I was 8 at a summer camp. Everyone had one so I went and got my first tama- a V2, at Walmart. Wow that brings back memories.... (flashback) I remember that when everyone would go swimming in the pool, one person would stay behind and take care of 15 or so tamas. Haha those were the days!

I play with my tama because i love him!!

I can't remember how I heard about them but i've had them generlly my whole life well except when I was like a baby and toddler ;) soooo. yeah

That's a hard question, 'cause I actually don't know o_O I just enjoy them once in a while, then get bored, and after some time I play again ;)

Ahaaa memories... I was probably around 8 when the v2 came out. I was at my friends house and i saw them in her room.i asked her what they were. She explained them to me and i got and overwhelming desire for one. The whole way back to my house i was recounting my friends. Story to my mom. Begging her for one as we passed a walmart . She rufused since my birthday was 3 weeks away. 0h. Around that time, the v3 was releced. I just couldnt wait anymorw! I. Remember rippppppiing up the blue wrapping papier concsealing a black v3 with red japanese writing all over it. i was surprisingly responsible with it for an8 year old. Cause i got mametchi. That same tamA still. Sleeps next to me on my nightstand.

I was 8. My neighbor was my best friend (she was 1 year older than me) and she let me babysit (i did a good job) then I got my own.

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