Why does everyone hate the PS3?


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I think the only things bad about it is it's $600 USD and the games aren't too good for it. Even though the graphics are really good, it's just not worth the money.
It seams good to me (well no it doesn't but its worth it)

With all the features its worth it.

If u want the 360 to have the same features, u must buy add ons.


Wireles Router Adapter $100

Xbox live $50

Thats $750 for a 360 thats does the same of the ps3 (except the memory on the ps3 is still 40gb larger.)

The Games are OK for NOW. It just came out. the 360 didn't have many great titles when it first came out

360 at launch : Call of Duty 2 and Perfect Dark Zero

PS3 at launch: The Elder Scrolls 5 , Restistance

The PS3 still doesn't deliver for its price, though. Sure, it can connect to the internet, but you can't play games via internet like xbox live. It also supports Blu-Ray as opposed to HD-DVD format, and the DVD format is still the norm. Also, it's not aesthetically pleasing, IMO. It looks chunky.
It can play online and u can read almost anywhere that blu-ray is favored over HD DVD

I don't think people realize why the PS3 is so expensive. They basically designed a new type of computer for the thing. Now, whether you think it's worth the price tag is a different thing, but I can understand why it's priced so much.

My fiance bought a PS3 the day it came out. I didn't spend a penny on it, and I still wouldn't. I love the PS2, and it's my favorite system. I also bought a PSP, but so far, I am disappointed with both the PSP and PS3. I hardly play the PSP, and all I play so far on the PS3 are PS2 games...

I'm willing to give the PS3 some time though. It has some nice games lined up, like Little Big Planet, White Knight, Heavenly Sword, and Lair. And Home looks like it will be a great addition. But none of these are out yet. :p
THANK YOU! finaly someone is giving it some time.

Theres littebig planet, lair, warhawk, hevenly sword, SOCOM confrontation, and alot more.

It's not worth the money! Plus, by the time you buy it and a couple games for it, another system is just going to come along and knock it right out! That's what happened to my GameCube! Stupid Wii.... :p Im still mad though...

The PS3 still doesn't deliver for its price, though. Sure, it can connect to the internet, but you can't play games via internet like xbox live. It also supports Blu-Ray as opposed to HD-DVD format, and the DVD format is still the norm. Also, it's not aesthetically pleasing, IMO. It looks chunky.
The PS3 is HUGE! I like the PS2 because my uncle got one and it's barely the size of a small book! He used to have a full size one though...

The PS3 is HUGE! I like the PS2 because my uncle got one and it's barely the size of a small book! He used to have a full size one though...
Well like the ps1 and ps2, hopefuly they make a smaller version.

I dunno. The PS3 is way over price. but, they have to have a reason, right?

I think its quite good, but to be honest, it has no many real improvements that the PS2 didn't have, Yeah the internet and better graphics..? Not much of an improvement in my opinion, especially the price o_0 £500!

My cousins has it, and I have to say the games are pretty good, but I see no reason for bringing out a new console yet!

My PS2 is broken, it doesn't recognise any disc's!

Its so annoying!

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