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September 2008 Contest Winner
Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
Jacksonville Florida
I just got home, I told my mom me and a friend could go trick or treating by ourselfs, Since my friend has a cellphone (Mom is WAY to cheap to buy me a cell) And my dad has one, I was thinking me and her could go around the neighborhood and check in every 20 minutes, What she say? "NO THERE HAVE BEEN WAY TO MANY ADUBTIONS!" and Im like "Since when in THIS neighborhood have there been any adubtions?!?!" she ignores me knowing I have a point, Its only in the downtown area but shes a nag and wont let me go know >_< My last year going Trick or Treating is RUINED Just cause I ask a question

I just got home, I told my mom me and a friend could go trick or treating by ourselfs, Since my friend has a cellphone (Mom is WAY to cheap to buy me a cell) And my dad has one, I was thinking me and her could go around the neighborhood and check in every 20 minutes, What she say? "NO THERE HAVE BEEN WAY TO MANY ADUBTIONS!" and Im like "Since when in THIS neighborhood have there been any adubtions?!?!" she ignores me knowing I have a point, Its only in the downtown area but shes a nag and wont let me go know >_< My last year going Trick or Treating is RUINED Just cause I ask a question
my mom is the same way it really irks me. :huh:

*edited for language*

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I just got home, I told my mom me and a friend could go trick or treating by ourselfs, Since my friend has a cellphone (Mom is WAY to cheap to buy me a cell) And my dad has one, I was thinking me and her could go around the neighborhood and check in every 20 minutes, What she say? "NO THERE HAVE BEEN WAY TO MANY ADUBTIONS!" and Im like "Since when in THIS neighborhood have there been any adubtions?!?!" she ignores me knowing I have a point, Its only in the downtown area but shes a nag and wont let me go know >_< My last year going Trick or Treating is RUINED Just cause I ask a question
my moms the same... curse my mother... iv learnt to neva ask any questions...

I know sometimes moms may be harsh, but they just want to keep you safe.

Think about it. It's a thin chance that some person might kidnap you or try to hurt you, but it could happen.

You can't be too sure about it..

I know sometimes moms may be harsh, but they just want to keep you safe.Think about it.  It's a thin chance that some person might kidnap you or try to hurt you, but it could happen.

You can't be too sure about it..
[SIZE=14pt]Yeah, TW's got a point.[/SIZE]

But still, I think your mom might overreact?? I mean, I'm not siding with anyone, but maybe you should just say, "Mom, listen! Please let me go! I mean, have their seriously been an abuductions? Tell me one time, and I'll be convinced." Don't leave until she answers you. If she stills says something mean, just wallk away. She won. And just don't do it. Ask her where you can go if you can't go there. But, your mom still loves you! She always will. And even though she might be mean, think of the simple things: Has she had a bad day? Something stressful happen at work? I think if you ask her those things, she will deeply appreciate it.

Hope I helped! :huh:


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She keeps yelling at me! SHES BLAMING ME FOR LOOSING MY BROTHERS MASK WHEN I DIDNT!!!!! She keeps on complaining and throwing stuff!


You mother just wants to protect you.

Here on CR (my country) They've killed kids because on adding drugs or toxic quemicals to candies, know my mom doesn't let me to go to houses and with most of the reason.

Just tell her you did not lost your brother's mask. :huh:

Happy Halloween!

whats wronge with going with your mom i go with my mom every year (thanks to her i get way more candy cuz she can cary it :hitodetchi: ) it's fun

Wow my mom never does anything like that...you guys shouldn't take moms for granted because there only there for a short time to help you out as a child.

Downtown + kids = usually unsafe.

Why not just have her or your dad go with? Having a parent go with isn't THAT horrible.

And she doesn't hate you, she's trying to keep you safe. Be greatful she's at least trying.

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Don't worry too much. Your mom was probably just trying to protect you because she cares. :hitodetchi: I can understand how much you'd wanted to go trick 'r' treating with your friend but sometimes life isn't fair. You could maybe have asked her if she could come with you? She might have considered that. :) Your not the only one, as I didn't do anything for halloween either - except for watch T.V.! lol :D

-sk8er girl-

Im an uptown girl, Never once in the neighborhood has there been one murder/homocide/suicide/Kidnapping Im going solo next year hopefully cause I saw several teens out in the neighborhood by emselfs

I've read all of this and rigght now from what I have seen >_<...I'm gonna sit on the fence* and stay safe

*to sit on the fence means to not take sides

EDIT: Put what it means helps XP

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I've read all of this and rigght now from what I have seen >_<...I'm gonna sit on the fence* and stay safe
*to sit on the fence means to not take sides

EDIT: Put what it means helps XP
Hey, thats a good saying...

Oh, can you help me out?

How do you get MSN? B)

By the way, I feel very sorry for meowbark! I would have hated not going trick or treat. :hitodetchi:

But I understand why she didn't let you go. :D ;)

harsh well i don't go trick or treating i have band carring a 52 pd bass drum in a cirel HOW FUN well me i really don't have parents cause my biolagecel srry cant spell parents almost killed me when i was born ON PERPOSE and the parents i have now i respect them but i would rather like to live all by myself

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