Why doesn't she just rip my heart out


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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2007
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July 17, 7 PM, the Jonas Brothers are going to be in Concord, performing, and I was going to go. Today is July 14 and I was talking to my mom about talking to my friend and her parents about seating, because they were supposed to take me. For, like, a week of high hopes and daydreams and dreams was too much and I thought I was going. My mom suddenly says "Uh, I think you need to give them some space. I mean 3 days??! I don't think it's gonna happen."

That crushed me so much I nearly burst out in to tears at that moment, and I'm about to burst any second now.

You might be thinking Just for a concert? WOW that's kind of stupid... or something in that area.

But it's not also that. My hopes were so high and I had all these daydreams and dreams and my mom kept putting it off and stuff and she even agreed to what ticket range we would be in yesterday. It hurt because, she said I could go if I just get a ride to it.

She's broken so many promises to me I can't think of one instance where she's kept her promise. I'm like, about to cry now.

And she kept being all snappy at me she just really hurt me.

I thought I was going to go see the band I love, the guy I dream of, with my best friend and maybe get an autograph, and I was so excited, I was so sure I was gonna go.

She brought all of that down in a 1 minute conversation.

You still might think this is stupid, but it's one of those things where you can't imagine the feeling that I've gotten, unless you've felt it yourself.

I just wanted to go to a concert. I was gonna give up going to Disneyland so I could get a ticket. And, like she always has, she broke her promise to me.

Ok I g2g before I cry because it hurts.

I just needed to vent. Thank you for listening. (Please no posts like "Well that's kind of stupid." I'm in enough pain, thank you.

PS I also just got bullied (like I do everyday) by my sister because I wanted to go online because I haven't been on all day, so I'm like, really sensitive.

EDIT: Another reason why this hurt so much, is because my heart has been hurt constantly this summer. So it was in the middle of healing right now when my mom broke the news. It's like every time my my heart heals, BAM it gets hurt again

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Ooooooh.... That sucks..... Really badly...... Just try to forget about it, that's what I do.....

Okay the best thing to do is talk to your mum (for americans mom). Get all your feelings out and tell her how much she has hurt you in the past few ... whatever. You just gotta fight for what you want. I know that you wanted to see The Jonas Brothers sooo much. So did I, but it just so happens that I live on the other side of the planet lol. How this helped :)


Unless I got it wrong it sounds like your mum said that your friend wasn't going to take you.

Unless your friend says she's not taking you then I would still assume you were going.

i agree with Fire.Fly... Your mum is kinda sayin she doesnt think your friend is going to take you since it is 3 days away...

Well....I guess I could feel your pain sort of. My alltime favorite band came to Jacksonville Florida back in October. I was DIEING to see Evanescence live, but then I was like "October 28th?" And yelled, that was the day I was forced to go to Animal Kingdom with my school and I had already paid to go! They weren't giving me my 75 dollars back for a concert! And I was about to kill myself. I missed a once in a lifetime event.

So yeah. Just ask your friends mom if she is still going to take you. I myself could care less for the Jonas Brothers but they are big. So ask your mom why she won't let you go.

Oh i figured out why I can't go...

it's cuz of the money. She said "I don't wanna spend THAT much money on a concert ticket (and trust me, I found the cheapest ones available), so we can't do it this summer, but maybe some other time." So now I'm like "O_O YOU COULDN'T HAVE TOLD ME THAT BEFORE?!?!?!?!"

Maybe if I hadn't gone a liiiiittle bit over my phone bill....and if we didn't get that stinkin bird (thanks a lot dad. we had it for, a month...maybe and then gave it away yesterday. WE DIDNT EVEN WANT IT AND WE SPENT LIKE 200 DOLLARS ON IT JUST TO GIVE AWAY) I could go maybe. I still don't know if I would have been able to go or not.

I felt the same way when mum wouldn't let me go to the Panic! At The Disco concert. She told me I can go, we had money saved up, but she decided the week of that she didn't like the location.

It was at a night club, but it was an ALL AGES FREAKING EVENT. It wouldn't be an all ages event if there was a high risk factor. Jesus.

I cried for days x_x

But yeah, it's a horrible feeling, and I hope you get over it soon, maybe you can still go to the concert, but I doubt it ._.

But still, it is only a concert, and it isn't as though the Jonas Brothers are never touring again. Just save up your money and go the next time around.

July 17, 7 PM, the Jonas Brothers are going to be in Concord, performing, and I was going to go. Today is July 14 and I was talking to my mom about talking to my friend and her parents about seating, because they were supposed to take me. For, like, a week of high hopes and daydreams and dreams was too much and I thought I was going. My mom suddenly says "Uh, I think you need to give them some space. I mean 3 days??! I don't think it's gonna happen."
That crushed me so much I nearly burst out in to tears at that moment, and I'm about to burst any second now.

You might be thinking Just for a concert? WOW that's kind of stupid... or something in that area.

But it's not also that. My hopes were so high and I had all these daydreams and dreams and my mom kept putting it off and stuff and she even agreed to what ticket range we would be in yesterday. It hurt because, she said I could go if I just get a ride to it.

She's broken so many promises to me I can't think of one instance where she's kept her promise. I'm like, about to cry now.

And she kept being all snappy at me she just really hurt me.

I thought I was going to go see the band I love, the guy I dream of, with my best friend and maybe get an autograph, and I was so excited, I was so sure I was gonna go.

She brought all of that down in a 1 minute conversation.

You still might think this is stupid, but it's one of those things where you can't imagine the feeling that I've gotten, unless you've felt it yourself.

I just wanted to go to a concert. I was gonna give up going to Disneyland so I could get a ticket. And, like she always has, she broke her promise to me.

Ok I g2g before I cry because it hurts.

I just needed to vent. Thank you for listening. (Please no posts like "Well that's kind of stupid." I'm in enough pain, thank you.

PS I also just got bullied (like I do everyday) by my sister because I wanted to go online because I haven't been on all day, so I'm like, really sensitive.

EDIT: Another reason why this hurt so much, is because my heart has been hurt constantly this summer. So it was in the middle of healing right now when my mom broke the news. It's like every time my my heart heals, BAM it gets hurt again
Not to be rude, but, um...

It's a concert. Not the end of the world. Try to go another time; trust me. Life sucks sometimes.

I have two things to say, Wine_Deer.

1. Zip is right. It is just a concert. Its not a once in a life time event, the Jonas Brothers travel and eventually come back.. Its not the end of the world.

2. I know what its like to loose a promise so important like that =( You feel a lot of pain, but it goes away. On short notice, you need to talk to your mom. She really shouldn't break a promise like that 3 days before the event, its kind of rude in a way.

[SIZE=12pt] Try to think/do something else. [/SIZE]


There is nothing you can really do if your mom won't let you go. ='[

I was the same way. My favorite band, Linkin Park, is coming to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania sometime near the end of this month. I actually new about the tickets before they went on sale (back in the beginning of April), && I had saved up enough money to go and everything. My parents kept telling me, "We'll think about it." "We'll see." Now usually they'll give in and tell me that I can go or whatever. My friend & I had nearly everything planned out.

But, obvioulsy, my parent's aren't letting me go.

Now this is the killer.

Why aren't the letting me go?



Seriously guys. Like all the music I listen to swears, I swear at a constant when I'm not around them. It's just natural for me. I have to hold my tounge around them so I don't swear.

I was crushed. I cried for days.

So, give it time. In a few months, you won't think about it near as much, and it won't hurt quite so bad.

Now Skillet is coming to the eastern side of PA twice, to play small events.

But of course my parents already shot those down. x-x

I felt the same way when mum wouldn't let me go to the Panic! At The Disco concert. She told me I can go, we had money saved up, but she decided the week of that she didn't like the location.It was at a night club, but it was an ALL AGES FREAKING EVENT. It wouldn't be an all ages event if there was a high risk factor. Jesus.

I cried for days x_x

But yeah, it's a horrible feeling, and I hope you get over it soon, maybe you can still go to the concert, but I doubt it ._.

But still, it is only a concert, and it isn't as though the Jonas Brothers are never touring again. Just save up your money and go the next time around.
You should have told her I went and it was perfectly okay. It's not like they're gonna have strippers at one location and be perfectly low key at the next.

Anywhom, I felt that way when I missed out on Warped Tour. Twice. >.<

But relax. I couldn't care less for the Jonas Brothers but I'm sure they'll be touring again. It's not like it was the only one.

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