Why doesn't this charactar show up?


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Mametchi Lover 1992

Active member
Jun 19, 2006
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Ok, I have a V3, and on it I have a Mizutamatchi, and when I had my V1 Memetchi ( :huh: ) give it a gift, it showed up as a Nazotchi, and it was like that in the Mizutamatchi's friend list as well, and in the Memetchi's friend list, the Mizutamatchi showed up as a Nazotchi as well.

why does it do that?

First, please don't spam. Second they do that because they are of different versions.

I have a :pochitchi: on my V2 and also a B) on my V3, but they both show up as :eek: which i thought was wierd, until my V3 version of :furawatchi: showed up on my V2 like this: :eek:

so its because they're different versions.



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it is because mizutamatchi is not a v1 character and when Bandai made v1 there were no v3 character in it or v2, so when they made v3, when you connect a v3 and a v1 together, there are no v3 character in v1 but nazotchi appears in both v1 and v3 so they used nazotchi since not a lot of people have it. But, if your v3 character is a v1 haracter like mimitchi and your v1 is for example, Kuchipatchi they will see eachother because they were both v1 character

do you get what im saying

sincerely, Tamapal3000

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