Why play with your Tamagotchi in class.


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how about since we ALL have different ideas we dont start critessixeing other people for wat they said. every body has they're own opinion so dont start saying bad stuff about one person just because you dont like wat they said. tamtalk is so people can talk about tamas not so we can fight. im sorry Mamitchi465 if i insolted you and i hope youll forgicve me if you thoguht that i said you would turn into a hobo if you played your tama in class. wat i ment was that if yuou just plain ignore everything yout teacher says your not going to be succesful.

I used to take my tama to school but only took it out at break and I stopped when I found out that my freind who also took hers got hers stolen. :unsure:

She got it back luckily but I'm not taking the chance of getting mine stolen! :mimitchi: <_<

I used to take my tama to school in grade 4 (on a neck thingy. Never on pause, because it was on sleep and I (almost) always had the sound off. I got in trouble only once and it wasn't much anyway, just had to put it in my locker when class started but I rarely did :wacko: , then I learned the art of time changing and the sound.) (note the used. I broke my V3.) But I do have a habit of breaking my Tama in school. I broke 2 of my 3 tamas there. Don't ask how.[/offtopic]

Education is more important because if you dont do your work, you'll be a sewer cleaner or a busboy with minimum wage, and also, what are you going to be with straight Ds on your report card? But for those ohmygawdimsoborediwanttodie times, I gotta say a Tama is good stress relief. Therefore making a Tama better by the average kid standard. Me, I'm all for Tamas, I'd take them over school anyday of the week! And people you gotta chill! Stop critisizeing. Everyone is entitled to my... ahem their own opinion. So people stop flaming, cause all thats happen is a flame war and prob bad karma. Now that's not very good is it? :wacko: ;

Then there's the danger of stealing. BTW, stealing won't happen if you have it on a neck thingy. So I reccomend getting one so you always have an eye on it. If you do rotary, then make sure that it doesn't get stuck between classes. That happened to someone once and it got stolen.

And let's get this straight, Tamas instead of class does NOT turn your brain into mashed potatoes! Not to brag, but I played with mine all the time, STILL got my homework done, and STILL got straight A's, and STILL got accepted into an enriched program (which 'I' turned down later)

I agree w/ topic starter, ONLY ON YOUR LEISURE TIME! :wacko: But when I had one, before I broke it, the principal banned all Tamas because all of the stealing. GET YOUR OWN PEOPLE! ^_^ :D :lol:

I think I proved my point with this overly long post. And please don't argue anymore because of what I said above.


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My fave colour is blue but ive got a PINK v2 and a greeny-and-blue v3

hey i mite get a nintendo light 4 my b-day this month! My uncle is a gadget freak!!!!! I mite get his!

tama's r cool but i think nintendo ds light's r WAY betta!

I used to take mine to recess in my old school in 3rd grade,but the teachers said it was okay,and my friend had one,so we would connect all the time!But I'm in 4th grade now,and I don't go to that school anymore.No one at my school I go to now has a Tamagotchi that I know,exept one,but I don't really know her that well.

I agree, education IS important and you need it for the future, to be sucessful in life, etc...BUT, heh, I gotta stop playing with it in class...my neighbor threatened to tattletale if I didn't stop soon... *Wimper*

At lunchtime though, it's fun to meet up with friends and connect or w/e.. :)

:D I do it every day i just put the sound off and play with it under my desk. :D
[SIZE=14pt]same here its no biggie and my dad said if the teacher takes anything of mine away he'll cal the school for stealing[/SIZE]

My friend always brought hers to school and she carries it around in a small bag she has and we were takeing this HUGE test that counted for like half of our grade and all of a sudden her tamagotchi beeped because she NEVER puts it on pause and she got really embarrassed and got a warning for if that happened again :D :D
Simply turn off the sound to stop the beeping noise. (Press first button and last button at the same time) Now it will not beep . If you want to turn the sound back on do the same thing but press "ON".

I hope I helped! :D


I brought my Giga to school back in '97 and now I'm a highschool drop-out.


I keep mine on my backpack with no sound, and on pause. Then when my mom picks me up from the carpool, I take it out and play with it.

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