Why wont he age?


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Dec 20, 2006
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I got my tama... erm two days ago... And its ateen... And it should be two years old, which it isn't, and its been WAY over due for an age change... by like 7 hours.

And I was connecting with a friend today and it suddenly acted strangely, saying the battery was going to die, which is pretty much impossible unless I have a disfuntional tama.

So I reset it and re loaded my teenager... ANd it still says one year old.

But I still had all my points and everything...

He's just apparently not plaaning on getting older.

And I think the most I paused him was the first 30 minutes I had it cause he was a baby and I was taking a test.

What should I do?

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ok...don't freak out!your tama,of course, if paused loses growth time. you know that.....now a tama can grow into a teen at the age of 3, 2, and SOMETIMES 1. So there might not be a problem. but some tamas are sold accidently with a malfuntioning battery. If so you might just have to get a new battery.

Hope this helped

keep me updated

;) :D my_tama_rox :( :ph34r:

Maybe you paused it to much. If you just reset it or download it, it's going to take longer. Just wait, my tamagotchi grows after 2 more extra hours. All time and growth is different. That's what make Tamagotchi's fun. :)

I only paused for a half hour at most, and the reset was because the battery went wacky...

It still says hes only one year old...

At the rate this goes my poor tama won't be able to fall in love with my friends tama. XD

I'm going to wait till tomorrow morning, and if he doesn't get at least a year older I'll reset him. Cause by tomorrow he should be 3 years old... I'll settle for two, just to know he'll age even if he's a year behind.

I'll post again tomorrow to give the news on poor Ronni. (my tama) :)


Ok so, after waiting to see if Ronni would age to 3 years old or at least 2, it was unsucessful.

But. I did discover this:

[SIZE=11pt]My friends tama basically completely turned off. So we reset her and got her back. But... the same thing happened. Hers was supposed to be two. And was aged back to one![/SIZE]

So, what have we learned?

Tamas dont like to be reset. lol

So sadly, I had to reset my baby. :D

Instead of a boy I got a girl, and named her Kai.

RIP Ronni.

And Kai just now turned into a toddler. :D


Is that good or bad, its what I had last time too. :D

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