Why's you come to TT?


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i wanted cheats and help on my 6 tamas so i searched tama and found the site and loved it since!

I came to tamatalk because I wanted a place to hang out online (other then Club Penguin, and AOL) and I wanted to solve a few problems I was having on my tamagotchi.

- Tama_ice

Originally, I came here for the codes. I made an account to make the thing go away XD;

Then, when I came back on this account, it was partly because I started up my tama again and partly because I missed all my friends here! (Who mostly thought I was sick or ded.)

Every time I've ever searched for anything concerning tamagotchis, Tamatalk has come up in some way, shape, or form. I figured that obviously, this is the place to be if you are a tama fan, so I signed up. :ph34r:

I was bored one night and was typing stuff in to the search engine and i found this!!!!!! I'm glad I did!

i came 2 tamatalk cuz i needed cheats on my tamagotchie and i wanted friends

o well i first discovered this syte when i was randomly searching the web on tamagotchis when i was about 8 or 9 (now im 13 LOL) and i had an account called "molly cat" cuz that was my cats anme but she died :'( so i made this one anndddd yea but i was on more before becasue i didnt have anything els like msn or piczo ;)

I was looking for a FREE tamagotchi and I was desperate after v2 so I found tamatalk on google. Also I can to tamatalk because the other sites were just getting plain.

I have no idea I just came here one day and made an account. Loved it ever since! Even though I've only been on for a month and ten days.

Gummi :angry:

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