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I think it is pretty interesting. I don't know a whole lot about it, but it seems to be a sort of mixture of different ancient beliefs and customs. It's hard to "rate" a religion that I'm not a part of though. I find all belief systems interesting. I think the best part is seeing the similarities between them, how everyone looks for meaning in life and has hopes for the afterlife. It's nice how we all have that in common despite our differences.

Can someone explain what this is? I've honestly never even heard of it, but now I'm curious.

Wicca is basically a religion that believes in all of the ancient Greek Gods and sometimes they include Witchraft into their religion. They believe in what the different colours, days, planets mean and how they influence life.

I think this is what the religion is about. It's really strange, I read a book about Wicca and Witchcraft today.

*First part of comment removed. Please try and keep posts respectful even if the opinions of others differ from yours.*

Ah, well I did I little research about it and I agree it's strange. I especially don't like this whole Witchcraft business.

Sorry if that seemed offensive. But you said to give you're opinion, so I did. ;)

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Haha, I am a wiccan actually. I am currently doing my year and a day study. Wicca is basically just a religion that celebrates evrything in nature, the moon, the sun, the stars, every rock, every animal, and every tree. We worship one deity, contrary to what people think, who has both female and male aspects, i.e. the triple goddess, and the horned god. We are technically witches, but we dont do magic that you see in movies...Magic for us is the very feeling we get when we meditate or cast a circle to worship the goddess. Lol, but I'm ranting, it's a nature religion that some say was the first religion on earth.

(I wasn't preaching or anything, in case you thought, just informing =] )

Haha, I am a wiccan actually. I am currently doing my year and a day study. Wicca is basically just a religion that celebrates evrything in nature, the moon, the sun, the stars, every rock, every animal, and every tree. We worship one deity, contrary to what people think, who has both female and male aspects, i.e. the triple goddess, and the horned god. We are technically witches, but we dont do magic that you see in movies...Magic for us is the very feeling we get when we meditate or cast a circle to worship the goddess. Lol, but I'm ranting, it's a nature religion that some say was the first religion on earth.

(I wasn't preaching or anything, in case you thought, just informing =] )
It actually sounds quite interesting. I wouldn't necessarily want to be wiccan(hope that didn't come off as offensive?) but I like learning about other religions. And thanks for informing me, because I really had no idea what Wicca was. XD

Haha, of course not. What's offensize is how people are ignorant and condemning of a perfectly fine religion. The horned god is only thought of as a devil because christianity portrays their devil as horned.

hmm, Wicca is actually quite interesting.

I'm not one myself, but one of my friends is. To be honest, I don't know much about it. 3:

I think it's interesting. Not that I would want to be in it.

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I think it's ok, I mean, I'm not Wiccan, but it doesn't sound like such a terrible religion. Alot of people think it's connected to the Devil and stuff, but it's not.

What an Interesting Religion!!! Ive read some of the posts and Wicca sounds quite unique and charming. Its nice to hear about the different religions and where exactly they come from. I would love to learn more about it! :ichigotchi:


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