Wich Tama Is RARE?


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my tama is pictured on the tamadex V2 chart but is not given a name.

he is referred to as simply '23' in another part of the site that invites anyone who knows anything about these tamas to contact the site owner.

he has a kindof crabby looking little face and a tail with a heart balloon looking thingy on the end of it. when he is mad.... whoa boy! he comes right up to the front of the screen, he takes up the whole screen with his big angry screaming face and he really lets you have it!

if you give him a cookie he quiets right down.

he is big... mabey even overweight, im not sure. i still have alot of learning to do about tamas.



If it is no. 23 it is a hatenatchi as i said somewhere else!!!

i also have contacted him still with no answer though if others could help with this it would be appreciated

:mellow: There is no such thing as a rare character. We get tamagotchis based on how we treat them not our luck. There are harder to get characters and easier to get characters but there are no rare characters that we I know of so far! :p
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