wierd dreams


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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2007
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here is a scary one, my mom and i are driving and we hit a patch of ice and us, and our car fall in the river. we got outt, but when i woke up, i was so scared. also, i had a dream that i was sword fighting with someone, and all i could think about was hiding my cat.

What do you think?

My mom thinks i'm like foreseeing the future or something. Cuz i had the car dream the night before the plane landed in the hudson. also, when i had the sword dream, at acting camp, we did sword fighting.

what do you think???


I was at this castle school, my mum got to be my partner at this thingy. Then my grandpa turned out to be this zoo expert. I was turned into a monkey with no tail. Then this tiger nearly ate me. Then, I woke up.

Someone gave me a train ticket(Underground). I was running to the underground station, then, I tripped.


I was upstairs. I opened the boiler thingy room, and a really disgusting man was in there. I closed the door. I walked to my mums room. My mum and grandma were in there, watching this kids show. I closed the door then walked down the stairs. I tripped, and I was flying. I landed, and opened the lounge door. My dad was in there with loads of football fans, cheering at football...


I had a dream yesterday right before the inauguration (I was sick, so I slept.) and it was like, Obama hit Biden's mom, for some reason (Lmaobitchslap) and the loudspeaker was like:



My dreams never make sense. They are all strange.

I recently went to a Jonas Brothers concert, and that night I had a dream that I was at a hotel. I have no idea why, and I was there alone. Then I was in the lobby and I saw the JoBros and they were acting really bored. So I asked them if they wanted to hang out and they said yes. Then we went to their hotel room and Joe just started jumping on his bed and Kevin was taking mirror pictures with me, and Nick fell asleep. Yeah, it was odd.

In another one of my unusual dreams, I was in a tree house in the middle of some random desert. Lol...I have no idea. Then the tree house collapsed and I fell. It was not fun. Then the wicked witch of the west was chasing me with her flying monkeys or something.

Wow. Where does my brain come up with these things??

^ NOBAMA, lol :D

well I've had a lot of scary dreams, (they're never funny for some reason) but they never happen the next day. :( unless it's possible to be chased by rainbows. xD I'll explain: this one dream I had, there was this big rainbow, and the colors were really transparent. And the rainbow was spreading all across the ground, and if it touched you, it would kill you. so all I really remember is there being a big rainbow spreading larger, chasing after me as I climbed up a hill, than I found a really nice pool (looked like a quiet resort pool at night time) and I tried to get in there to swim away from the rainbow, and it ate me. :(

It's a lot scarier when it happens to you!!!

I had this dream when I was 5, but it's weird... because if you thinkreally hard and say "was that dream really when I was 5 or did I dream it last night and think that i was 5..." and then you're saying "but I swear it was when I was 5.." "but WAIT, it seems like it could've been just last night!" and it gets all confusing.. it's a really cool feeling.. xD maybe I'm the only person that does this...

a study showed that you can only remember no more tha 30 seconds of your dream when you wake up.

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Wow,that sure is strange.

I have strange dreams but they never happen sooner in real life.


I was walking in this grassy place when I saw a huge red beetle and it said"Freeze! or I will kill you!" So I froze and it turned into a grasshopper thing and then it popped.

Oh yeah I remembered another one of my odd dreams...

I was in an elevator and a guy was in it with me. He was holding a to do list that said something like:

-Walk dog

-Fold laundry

-Pay bills

-Check e-mail

-Clean house


Then I screamed because I was trapped in an elevator with some dude that was apparently gonna murder me.

i don't have dreams really often anymore. If I do have a dream, it's really weird!!!!

I had a dream last week that I was in Club Penguin (I was my penguin) and then I went back to my house and I found a bunch of Dragonball characters fighting x_x


I had dream that this 6th grade Baritone player took my Tuba. D8 And the dream took place before a concert, but a dream concert. *Phew*

I had a dream we FAILED a Jazz competition! D:

[We probably won't evar because were talented. :3 ]

That Scott killed himself. He jumped out of the window of the 2nd story [O_O] part of our school.. I was sad.

I had a dream that I once married George. O_O


I had a dream that somebody took this life size almond from me. xD

I had a dream that I played a orange Tenor Sax. [Don't tell Marcus. OwO Or Lauren. They'll kill me]

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Totaly random:

I was at this place... like a ocean, and I see a Chiwawa with bat wings flying over me , and this pug came up to me, and said ''Would you like a apple pie with that?'' and then this time there was a cocer spaniel , and it said ''WAKE UP, YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'' and then i woke up.......


It was very random......

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Last night I dreamt that me and my sister were Tom and Bill Kaulitz's (Guitarist and lead singer of Tokio Hotel) cousins so they, Gustav and Georg(bassist and drummer of Tokio Hotel) came over to my house for dinner. Tom was kind of a midget (lmao but I love him so I was all "HI TOM!!!") And we got to meet them all. Then, today, my sister got her Zimmer 483 CD which is a Tokio Hotel CD. I was all 0_o weird. But I was so happy we finally got that CD.

i had a dream that i had to get a "exam" in a "special" place

nd they said i was pregnant and they gave me an abortion by cutting my legs (WTFFF?)


I had a dream the other night where at my local shopping centre, the central stage was huge. Probably the size of a sky scraper. And for some reason I was performing there with my school and than for some reason I decided too jump off. The guards/security put the net up and i landed on the net and than got off safely. After I jumped I also had cookies to eat and my principal asked me out.

I then woke up. That dream was....w-e-i-r-d.

i had a dream that i had to get a "exam" in a "special" placend they said i was pregnant and they gave me an abortion by cutting my legs (WTFFF?)

xD Sorry, but that's funny. xD

last night I dreamed I can't handle taking care of 4 tamas and bad things would happen and when I woke up my famitama reset itself, my celebrity v5 had bad stats, my music star had high stress and my v4.5 was sleeping in again :angry: :blink: :mellow:

one time I dreamed (this was a LONG time ago) that there was a TINY comet headed toward jupiter and then it bounced off jupiter, hit earth, and earth blew up LOL and it was all because some kid didn't want to wear a red sweater and a purple sweater at the same time o_O

another time I dreamed I was flying over the school o_O and no one was impressed or interested. they just laughed at me like always.


I had the funniest one last night.

Me and my friend were going to a Fall Out Boy concert, but we had to be dropped off five hours early because our parents were working later and couldn' drive us. So we decided to walk around the arena and stalk around the tour bus and stuff. (xDD) So then Fall Out Boy saw us and they were all like "Ohai, come hang out with us!" And then Andy taught us how to play drums. xD

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